Continuing Story Part 34


Drake’s name was called by the nurse, and David walked with him back to the little room where the nurse took his vitals. His blood pressure was up a little but not to the point of alarm. After several questions, the only thing Drake complained of was a slight headache and a sore neck.

The nurse took him back to the room where the doctor could take a closer look at him, and then David was checked out next and waited in the room next to Drake. When the doctor opened the door and came in to see Drake, he asked him about the accident and how Drake had felt at the time of impact. Did he suffer any dizziness or blurriness, how much pain did he feel. Drake said that he had a slight head ache and that his neck hurt. The doctor ordered a cat scan on his head and neck, and then told him he would be back with the results.

After leaving Drake the doctor went in to see David, and after talking to him, found out that he was alright. No need to do any testings. He had been a lucky man the doctor had said. He dismissed David and went to see other patients waiting for him, and when the tests came back he went back to Drake’s room. He stated that the test had come back alright, with no problems. He may suffer from a little neck stiffness, and he had brought with him a neck brace, and wanted him to wear it if he felt a greater pain. Whip lash was something that Drake could experience as the days went by. Other than that, he was going to dismiss him also, unless he had more questions. Drake asked if the doctor knew anything about Dahlia, and the doctor said, to go wait in the main lobby and he would have him called back when they knew more information.

David and Drake found themselves both waiting out in the main lobby. Time ticked by so slowly as they waited for someone to call his name, but no one came nor called out to them. It was getting late in the afternoon and David asked Drew if he was getting hungry.

Drake had not really thought too much about food until the word was mentioned, and then he decided he was rather hungry and could use something to eat. Both guys went to the receptionist and told her they were going to go to the cafeteria. If the nurse was trying to locate them, please have them paged at once, and they would return right away.

David and Drake found the cafeteria and ordered some lunch, and after paying for it they found an isolated booth and sat down to eat. The talk was light, finding out about each other, what did they do for a living, finding out that they lived in the same vicinities. Other than that, it was pretty quiet between the two, Drake anxious for news and David wishing someone would call over the PA system.

They finished their lunch and not being able to sit still any longer they got up and wandered through the gift shop and Drake found a soft, cuddly stuffed kitten and he wanted to get this for Dahlia. Together they left and went back to the waiting area. Drake went to the front desk once again, asking if anyone had asked for him while he had been gone, and the answer back was no, I am sorry, no one has been looking for you.

They both were sitting and watching the television and then Rachel and Ralph and some of the ladies from the house showed up and were asking a lot of questions. Rachel stated that she had just been informed by a neighbor, and she was upset that no one had come to them letting them know that there had been an accident  sooner.

Just then, the nurse came and called Drake’s name. She asked him to follow her back to a little office where the doctor would come talk to him now. Rachel grabbed his arm and asked if he wanted her to go with him, and he nodded yes, as he had just became aware of a knot rising in his stomach. Like being called to the principal’s office in school for being naughty.

The two walked back and sat down in a small office, that only had enough space to  hold a desk and two table stands with light, and two chairs, and of course, the doctors chair. They only sat there for a moment, when the doctor walked in and they both stood up and shook his hand. Drake introduced his mother and then asked how Dahlia was.

The doctor opened his file he had brought with him, and acted like he was seeing it for the very first time. He began by saying that the accident had flipped her head back and forth a couple of times too many, and had caused nerves to swell in the neck and head. There was some slight swelling in the brain, and this had caused her to go into a coma. She was still asleep and had not woken up as of the last time he went in to check on her.

Drake rubbed his neck and then his forehead, waiting for more information. The doctor said that the swelling was not  too bad, but yet it was more swelling then he wanted to see, so he wanted to take her into surgery and drill a tiny hole in the top of her head to relieve the swelling.

Drake started crying like he had just heard the words dying, and Rachel let out a gasp, as she had never heard of such a thing. The doctor went on in his calm voice, asking if one of them could sign papers allowing this procedure to be done. Drake said that neither of them were related to her, and that her father was the only one that they knew of that was a relative, but he was home bound and what were they going to do now.

Drake explained that they were going to be married in a month and a half. The doctor sat for a while and did some thinking. There was nothing he could do, there was no one to sign papers, and yet he could not let Dahlia lie there at risk. He once again spoke, and said that he was going to go ahead and do the surgery if it was alright with Drake, and Drake replied if it will help her to live, please, please do it. Go do it now.

With that the doctor left to go let the nurses in OP to get ready for a patient coming in and he left two people, a mother and son holding each other trying to comfort away the dreaded word of surgery.

10 thoughts on “Continuing Story Part 34

  1. Pingback: Continuing Story Part 35 | terry1954

  2. Pingback: Continuing Story Part 36 | terry1954

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