Honest Answers Only

This class that I started today was pretty good. I found out that on January 24th they are meeting as a group to socialize at a local restaurant and have invited me to go. This would be good for me. The highlight of the luncheon is reading books and discussing them. The teacher of the class asked me if I read books, and I kind of chuckled and said no, but I write and have written one book and started another. She seemed excited. She treated me like I was someone famous. I laughed out loud, because I definitely am not famous.

Now I wish I would have lied and said yes I read books. She wants me to read one of my poems or a short story. You know me. I don’t think I am good enough or have enough talent to read in front of people.

Give me your honest opinion. Do you think I should do this? Or will I make a fool of myself in front of these nice people? Should I politely turn her request down?


69 thoughts on “Honest Answers Only

  1. Beautiful Terry,
    Don’t put yourself down, be proud of who you are and what you have achieved. 🙂 You wrote a book and that’s wonderful. Not everyone can say that! Believe in what you wrote and stand up and read it with confidence! I say, Go for it! ………. Paula xxx


  2. Somewhere in that torrent of emotion you have spent agonizing over this probably lurks the notion that you thought you had something valuable to share, otherwise you never would have written. Stand on that. It is valuable. I would suggest not worrying about what others think and just worry about the valuable thing you have to say and the audience will pick up on the value through the passion with which you deliver it. I hope this helps…


    • in other words, enjoy being able to share and others will see it………..interesting look, something i would not have done. I am so wishing that I had more belief in my own worth


      • What I am saying is pick something from your work that moves you and just share it with the intensity you meant it with when you wrote it. Focus on what you have to give (your passion and thoughts) not what you are getting (reaction). If you think your worthless then somebody got you to believe a lie, even if that somebody is now you. Be honest. First time it will be scary, so what? Courage is not whether or not you have fear, it’s what you choose to do no matter how you feel.


      • i know where i got my feelings of worthless from, but i m trying to fix it now at this point in my life. my best bet would b to talk of Al, from one of my posts, where i am most passionate. thank u for your help. you have really opened my eyes and have shown me i can do this


  3. you told her you were a writer and i would guess because you are proud of your writing. you have shared your writing with us and gotten our feedback. maybe it is time to see faces and get the experience of sharing with people face to face. i hope you do it and enjoy!


  4. Here’s your chance…an opportunity…have faith in yourself…read one of your stories that you remember everyone oooing and ahhhing about…Definitely…do it…How wonderful that you are meeting people already…I knew it would be good for you!…love ya, mkg


  5. Terry are you kidding me? Do it! You are so talented, and most definitely blessed! Your work is beautiful and each piece you do is better than the one before. Please do go ahead and do it. 😀


  6. I think your writing is wonderful, and I am sure that confident part of you knows that you have do e well, or it wouldnt have spoken up! But as an I trovert, I. Know that sometimes the idea of socializing with a new group, let alone Sharing, can distress me to the point where I might avoid the situation. If that is the case for you, and it is not just normal stage-fright, then maybe just go to the meeting without expectation the first time, and then build from there. Glad you are meeting folks!


      • Oh, there’s no doubt that you will do well with your reading. Even if you come across as shy, nobody minds that. You won’t look like an idiot.

        DH takes writing seminars, then quits on his day to read aloud. I know you will need to be ” out there” if you intend to publish. But if you are just writing for itself, and speaking would make the difference between going or not, then I think just going is itself important.

        Different than butterflies in your stomach…stage fright is normal and necessary. When that goes away, I think things have gotten boring


    • thank you Loopy. thank you for being so helpful building my confidence in myself. all of you have been so helpful. I am seriously considering it, it i flop i can run for the back door


  7. Terry, you share your beautiful stories with all of us in the blogosphere every day. Just pretend you’re reading to us. Our love will see you through this exciting opportunity to share face-to-face. Go for it! xoxoM


    • I am going to be bold with no italics! this may be the one opportunity i have. thanks for helping boost me. i just kept thinking i am no one, they would want someone who knows someone


  8. Terry, go for it, your writings re beautiful and fantastic. Give yourself some credit, and do it. Be proud of yourself, take your confidence with you adn go for it. It is the right thing for you and it will give you more than you expect. Please go Terry and enjoy it. With Love Ute


    • all of you have been wonderful. i just couldn’t figure out why me, a nobody, why not someone well known………but thanks to all of your wonderful comments, i am going to give it a try


  9. Hi, listen …. this is your chance – and now you take it. If you’re good enough is all in the listeners ears – Maybe not everybody will like it – but I know most of them will do – if they like poetry. You’re GOOD and don’t doubt yourself. You just go for it. This is one of your moments.


  10. Take a chance! this could be another E.o.t.T. moment! If you want to make sure you’re comfortable you could narrow down the choices to a few and ask the teacher to pick one or two she’d like you to read. That way you’d know you have at least one person in the audience prepared and ready to enjoy your work. Just a thought. You’ll do great!


  11. Terry,
    Self-deprecation undermines us and causes us to hold ourselves back from using our gifts and strengthening areas we may not be as strong in. Authors have to stretch themselves beyond their inherently introverted worlds and take the risk of sharing their precious “children” with the world at large. Doing so in this small setting and with this small group of people may be just the thing to begin getting you familiar with and acclimated to being out of your comfort zone.



    • you mean I have to come out of my comfort zone. this is true. I have decided to give it a try. it can’t hurt and maybe it will open up some door……………thanks for the great comment!


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