Chapter 1, Introduction

Have you ever felt like you have just been run over by a ton of bricks? Or maybe you  just had enough and you don’t want to get out of bed; even when the sun is shining.

This is how Mary felt as  her alarm clock went off. Hitting the snooze button three times, she wanted to throw it across the room but instead sat up and turned the alarm off. Running her hands through her tasselled hair, her first thoughts were, life sucks.

For seven years she had been in a relationship with Brian. Seven, sometimes long years were actually the best years she had experienced. Brian was a computer tech over at the local college.

She had met him when she had went to the office requiring assistance with getting a computer program to work. She couldn’t take her eyes off of those big baby-blues. His smile showed perfect, straight teeth.

After spending some time getting her answers, she turned to leave and then looked back saying, ” See you later.” His question that followed started their relationship. ” How about after your last class tomorrow?”

She remembered so well telling him, sure, and before long the two were an item. She learned that Tommy had graduated college the year before and had received a job offer from the same place  she attended, White’s College.

His parents were both white-collar workers and Brian had told her he had wanted more out of his life. Someday he wanted a business of his own, repairing computers for big businesses.

He explained his shyness in school. Pimpled-faced, braces on his teeth, not really any girlfriends to mention. He laughed as he said, ” I must have been a late bloomer because one morning I woke up, and everything seemed different. The braces were gone, the pimples disappeared. I felt different and I sure looked different.”

Mary had been so proud of him for going after his dreams. She had thrown both of her arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips. She in turn told him a little about herself.

” Nothing really special, middle child growing up. I always seemed to be in charge of things at home. My parents both worked. I did alright in school, but  in  junior year, my thoughts began to change and I knew I could do better.”

Brian and Mary dated throughout the rest of her schooling. Upon graduation the two talked about marriage; but made no real plans. Mary was content with this. She was planning on working as a nurse and wanted to return to college to get further her degree.

Friday nights was date night. Sometimes they went out to eat and to a movie. Other times they walked through the mall. They had dinner with both sets of parents. Life couldn’t be any better than this.

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