Never, Ever Give Up

I saw,this and it reminded me to fight my tremors  and work harder to still see the good in our world.

Whether you are ill or suffering with a chronic disease,  fight. Life isn’t always what we wanted, but God placed us in our spot for a purpose. 

We don’t always know that purpose and sometimes see our lives as unfair or less than beneficial. 

But, knowing we are where we are, our positive attitude and eagerness to move through anything, can give us dual, mental strength. 

We are warriors, friends to others,  family to someone and children of God.


Hugs my dear friends. I am right here beside and with you.

God bless you right this minute. 

8 thoughts on “Never, Ever Give Up

  1. Terry, this was a wonderful post! I always admire your determination to defeat being defeated. You are an inspiration! I’m so glad I saw this today – I’ve been negligent in my reading for the past couple of months and have missed hearing from you. Bless you.


  2. Terry you are one of the most giving, unselfish people I have ever come across – you amaze me! I am just now recovering from a simple flu during which I felt horribly sorry for myself. And then you post something so positive despite what you are dealing with in terms of your own health. I bravo you a thousand times. Much love!

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