Daily Prompt, One Word Prompt



The word for today is, Crossing


Standing on the side of the road. Looking across the way. A yellow divided line told me I could stay where I was or I could venture on to the other side.

What is on the other side? Will my footprints be there? Or will it be baron where I have never walked before.

It is much more comfortable to remain where I am. I have looked this way before. I know the outlines of the trees. I see the familiar branches swaying down towards the ground; almost as inviting me to step out in faith.

I see the sun rays sparkling through the thick leaves, bouncing as if tiny stars are smiling at me. The familiar sounds of the Woodpeckers, Cardinals and Blue Jays capture my attention. I smile as I stand quietly listening to their songs lure me into another world.

Is that world across the yellow, divided line? Should I dare? Am I really that content where I am? Haven’t I been hearing myself complain that I need something new in my life?

Then what am I afraid of. I seek the sky. I look for God’s eyes. I see nothing, but I can feel him embellish me with hope and strength. Today, yes today Lord, I am listening. I will take a step in faith. I will step out of my comfort zone. I will place one foot in front of the other.

I will look back and see the new prints I am making. I will be crossing the line today. Hold my hand Lord, for I trust you more today than yesterday.

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