My Grandma Says

For over a week a lonely fly has been living in our house. Anyone who has seen him buzzing around says kill it. Oh no! I could not do that, not at this time of the year. In our area, at least in our family the old saying is a fly in fall means money is coming

Do I believe that? Really? I must or he would be one dead fly. Another saying my grandma used to say was, you are still wet behind the ears. She was actually trying to tell us that we were too young to do or say what our intentions were.ear

I decided to look up what other people say in their area. Here is what I discovered.

An Arabic proverb says; A chameleon does not leave his tree until he is sure of another.meller-chameleon_628_600x450

A Japanese proverb is; A good husband is healthy and absent.bachelor

An African proverb is; A stranger has big eyes but sees nothing.big eyes

A Persian proverb is; A bad wound heals but a bad word doesn’t.wound

A Greek Proverb is; A library is a repository of medicine for the mind.mind

A Hebrew proverb is; Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born of another time.clock

An Italian proverb is; A beetle is a beauty in the eyes of his bug 3

Isn’t it interesting what different areas of the world believe? I guess I am no different in letting the fly live.


What’s In a Name

A friend/blogger mentioned something nice about me. It made me think how people see and view me differently than I do myself.

What is in a name, what does it mean?                                                                           popular names

Mine is Teresa. It means saint. Really? Me, a saint? LOL

What does yours mean?

Viveka- Swedish and popular

Ann- English, hieroglyphics, numerology

Becky- Hebrew, fun, loving, compassion

Elaine- French, spontanious, courage, seeming like the good type of kid

Mona- Irish, noble , aristocratic

Debbie- Hebrew, meaning honeybee,  heavenly

Cathy- Greek, meaning of being pure, can make no mistakes

Sandy- from the name Alexander in Greece, always busy running errands

Amber- Arabic, a beautiful pearl

Marsha- English, brave warrior of God

Sharla- English, singer, beautiful, spiritually intense

Nancy- Hebrew,  gracious

Harold-  old English name, chief of the Army

Alastair- Scottish,  defender of man kind

Well here are a few names that popped up in my mind. I did not intentionally leave anyone out. If you would like to share the meaning of your name, please do.

I located these definitions from the internet. You may have a different one than I mentioned. After all, we all know the internet is sometimes full of hog wash.

No matter what our name stands for we are proud of who we are, just like Proud Mary.