463 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I started a WordPress blog myself a few months ago and never posted anything. After reading your blog, I decided to start writing and posting on my own blog. I only have a couple of posts right now and they are not very good. But you are certainly welcome to take a look if you like. I must warn you though, that the language I use can get a bit crude. So if that kind of thing offends you, you might not want to read it after all. Anyway, your blog has been very inspirational to me. Thanks again for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following me – I love writing and I especially love to read other blogs – I find the blogging world so inspiring – looking forward to your future posts!


  3. Hey!
    Thanks for passing through my blog..I’m glad you saw something that was of interest to you!
    I am really enjoying your stories and your posts in general..been looking for a little while now!
    I’m looking forward to reading some more of your posts..I looooooooooove love LOVE Opposite Paths..I read it with a huge smile on my face..*sigh* 😀


  4. Hi Terry, I just read your main post & am afraid I’ve thought you to be a woman when you’re a man. I apologise! My mind wanders too… great site!


  5. Hi Terry. I my computer has been down for over a week and I have had to use my kindle fire to read my e-mail. So I haven’t been commenting much because it is hard for me to get use to. I am doing fine. Thanks for asking. You and your brother are in our prayers always. It’s great to hear from you. Take care and God bless.


  6. i am glad to hear you are all ok. my brother has a wheel chair now he is using off and on, and a different type of cane. i am searching for a part time caregiver, so i can go get groceries etc. i placed an ad that hopefully will bring the right experienced adult


  7. Hi Terry, Beth here. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog. It is heartwarming to know there are so many of us on this particular caregiver path. Do you have Care.com in your area. It is an excellent way to find a part time caregiver and they will provide a reference check as well as comments from others who have experienced the individual you are considering. I hope you find a good match for both you and your brother. Holding you in light and love. Beth from middlescapes.


  8. Good morning Beth. I had used Care.com years ago when I was looking for someone to care for. i went back to the site yesterday, and discovered that if i want a caregiver, now i have to pay a medium fee. i was surprised. i have placed an ad in the local newspaper and i hope god sends someone my way. i just need a little time for me. i want to be able to concentrate on what i am doing when i am out buying groceries, or shopping for my brother’s BD gift. it is nice to meet u


  9. Hello…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian


    • Thank you Sebastian. Thank you also for letting me share my life’s journey with you. Faith is the only way I can go in life. I tend to lose it at times, but always finding it waiting for me to grab a hold of it once again. Hang on tight, never let go


    • writer? this is an honor to receive this. i am so sorry that at this moment, i can not pay tribute to you and this award, but i promise i will maybe tonite, but definitely tomorrow. please understand, too many birthdays here lately and all at my home. i will b back to give proper thanks


  10. Pingback: Another Wonderful Surprise | hometogo232

  11. Hi Terry, I’ve been following your blog for some time now and I have become more drawn in to your stories as time goes on. There are many people who love you and from whom you can draw strength. I’ve nominated you for One Lovely Blog award-I see you have a couple already. Consider yourself blessed. Phillipa


    • ohhhhhhhh, thank you so very much Phillpa. I don’t care if I have more than one. Each one is such an honor for me that people enjoy my stories and walking beside me in my life


  12. Hello Terri. So nice to meet you. Thank you for following my blog. I always welcome meeting new bloggers. Thats the nice thing about WP, we all come intially to the table wth a common theme, The love of writing.
    Then from there we find things that let us feel we have met our kindred speirit it seems almost magical this blogging thing. The best thing about it all are the people, people like you


    • it is so nice to meet you also. with me not being able to get out and socialize, it has brought me to many wonderful new friends, and wishing that i also knew them in person


  13. Pingback: How did you know it was almost my Birthday? « hometogo232

  14. Pingback: Illuminating! « hometogo232

  15. Pingback: Joy Sometimes Comes in Threes’ « hometogo232

  16. Hi Terry! Thank you so much for following me!
    I was looking through your blog, and your writings are lovely! You really have a way with words!
    I can’t wait to read more!


      • Aw, thank you right on back! It’s always a pleasure to meet fellow writers! I look forward to seeing and reading more!


    • i looked around and didn’t see anyone but me sitting here, so you must be talking to me!!!! lolol that is so nice of you to nominate me for an award. god bless you and tomorrow i will write and give you credit. thank you so much. i am so honored………..


  17. Pingback: Surprised Twice « hometogo232

    • oh this is wonderful to be nominated for this award. thank you so very much! is it alright, if i wait until tomorrow morning to make a comment about this since it is almost midnite? i want to thank you very much for this honor………bless you………


  18. Aneesa and Faraaz chose you for the Liebster Award because it fits you precisely. I think you are especially deserving of this one. Thank you from the bottom of my old heart for passing it along to me. I am no good at handling awards, but it touches me that you would think to nominate me. I am learning things that I did not know about Parkinson’s because of your careful telling of Al’s story. I wonder if you understand the value of that contribution to others? I am positive that there are those out there who feel relieved to learn that they are not alone and that their reactions to their own situation are shared by others. You are making a real contribution by your chronicle of this awful disease and its effect on the families who bear the illness along with their loved ones. Thank you for sharing the award with me. May you find peace and comfort in the support of your online community!


    • thank you………..so much. i always love your comments because they are from your heart. this is what i love about people like you who are genuine and caring. i don’t know about how much i help others, but i would like to think that maybe one other is going through what i am. god bless you my friend, and just make sure you enjoy this award for me!


  19. Pingback: The Liebster Award « Grandmother Musings

  20. Hey Terry — what I pasted below just arrived in my email inbox this morning…made me think of you and Al so I am passing it along FYI with love and prayers…sheila

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
    These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
    This Daily Health Bulletin is sent five times a week. If you do not wish to receive the
    Life Extension Daily Health Bulletin, please click here
    or copy & paste the following URL into your web browser’s address bar:

    Powerful class of antioxidants may be potent Parkinson’s treatment

    Friday, August 10, 2012. A class of antioxidants called synthetic triterpenoids blocked development of Parkinson’s in an animal model that develops the disease in a handful of days, said Dr. Bobby Thomas, neuroscientist at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Health Sciences University and corresponding author of the study in the journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.

    Thomas and his colleagues were able to block the death of dopamine-producing brain cells that occurs in Parkinson’s by using the drugs to bolster Nrf2, a natural antioxidant and inflammation fighter.

    Stressors from head trauma to insecticide exposure to simple aging increase oxidative stress and the body responds with inflammation, part of its natural repair process. “This creates an environment in your brain that is not conducive for normal function,” Thomas said. “You can see the signs of oxidative damage in the brain long before the neurons actually degenerate in Parkinson’s.”


    • hello Michael from Indiana! I like your blog and am going to look at your books. I have three web pages here at WP. Terry1954, Music that calms the soul, and Quotes. Feel free to look around my friend. So nice to meet you!!!! Great kids in your photo!!


  21. Pingback: Thank you for doing your jobs « altheavlive

      • for some reason, I can not get to your blog page so that I can accept te award. it keeps going to search. i need some help getting to your page. can you help me with a link? everything that i click on leads back to this page here, the comments page. there is no place to click on your blog


  22. Pingback: Sisterhood of the world blogger « altheavlive

  23. Pingback: Busy busy bee « altheavlive

  24. Terry, Thank you for stopping by and visiting my site. Ya know… I’m a true believer that everything happens for a reason. People are brought together not by accident but destined with deeper intentions. I invite you to read about my story and the trials I’ve lived through… I am now destined to help others overcome obstacles emotionally. I also have another website at http://sherrylcook.com that is devoted to inspiring and motivating others.
    I work at a day facility for adult with mental & physical challenges and I know how hard it is to watch a loved one and yourself go through so much. I will be following you and I hope to be there for you as you go through these.challenges!
    Hugs. Sherry


    • WE should understand very well each other. I have a brother who is mentally challenged and suffers from heart and Parkinson’s Disease. Feel free to read any of my stories. I placed my email to receive your blogs


  25. Pingback: Honored Award ….times Three « hometogo232

  26. Just a quick note to let you know something exciting – I got 222 visits after I posted your story – hopefully you will have an increase in traffic as a result. You are one HELL of a writer! Have you ever had your books published? I am thinking of you and hope you have a happy and prosperous 2013. XXX {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}


    • wow, thank you so much Melanie for stopping by and letting me know your wonderful news! I hope your traffic continues to grow because of your own writing. I am so happy that I could be a little bit of help. Keep up the good work you do and have a wonderful New Year’s Eve!!!! Thank you for a great comment!!!!! I have written one book and it is in the middle of editing. I have started on my second book, which you can find by chapters in my blogs. I just finished chapter nine. The first book I wrote is also in my blogs. It is called Dahlia.


    • No question is stupid, according to Dear Abby. LOL. I will be glad to assist you. Go to the page where I nominated you. Copy and paste it onto a new blog post of yours. This is called Linking. Most of the awards given want to know something about yourself, plus the link back to the one who nominated you, and lastly, nominate others you would wish to receive this. I go to the comment section of my own blog, so you would most likely have two wordpress pages open at one time. You copy and paste whom ever you wish to nominate, also at that point reply to them that you have nominated them, and then go back to your own blog page you are creating, and paste the nomination there. Also it is a good idea to download the photo of the award, and insert it into your post. If I can be of any other help, please let me know. i had to learn all of this also!!


  27. Terry, You recently stopped by my blog and checked out my lastest post. Thank you, I appreciatre you taking time to do so. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Take care, Bill


  28. Terry, I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award because you love to write, and what you write is so positive and encouraging. You are someone that I sense carries deep pain, and yet you offer goodness and joy at your site, and it is always a pleasure to stop by and read what you have written. You inspire others to want to be and do better.

    The rules for accepting this award are here:

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award Nomination


  29. Hello Terry,

    I would like to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success, especially with your professional endeavors. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you, Terry. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


    • Thank you for wishing me a Happy New Year Subhan. How nice of you. It is so nice to chat with you here. Your blog is very interesting and I enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work my friend! Feel free to stop by anytime and chat.


  30. Pingback: I’ll procrastinate later | Stuph Blog

  31. Thank you Terry for stopping by my blog, liking my posts, and actually following it. I am always learning about blogging as i tell my story. You have a great blog, I will return the favor. Be blessed.


  32. Pingback: Catching Up on Acknowledgements « hometogo232

      • “Congratulations I have nominated you for the Awsome Blossom award. Here is the link add to your blog proudly if you please or share with another blogger who has touched you deeply. Pay it forward as someone wonderful named Melody did for me.” Becky
        Terry, the award is a pretty flower to display (or not) on your page. I don’t do the award thing but you were the first one I thought of to pass this one on to because you have touched me deeply and you also like pretty things. If it’s not something you want to do then you may know someone who would like it and can pass it to them.
        I hope you are doing well, Terry — be blessed!


  33. I’ve recently switched my food blog over to be self-hosted which I hope will make it more user-friendly in the future. As a result, if you were following Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen via email, WordPress, or using RSS feeds through Google Reader or some other way, you are no longer subscribed. If you wish to continue receiving future posts from my blog you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, Teresa.


  34. from one Teresa to another, so nice to chat with you my friend. I have recently began to write poetry. As bloggers let me know it moves them I keep on writing. I just love to write as I see you do also…….I hope we chat often!


  35. I love checking-in on your Blog – for so many reasons. The first joy that I receive when opening your Blog are the changing photos that you post on your page. All the other joys are derived from your writing. Thank you.


      • thanks so much. Some days I don’t know where I draw my strength. I get so tired. I feel it will be some better when he and if he gets to come home. No more people making cracks. He can go to day program and be around people more like him


  36. Pingback: It’s Award Season | Alastair's Blog

  37. Hi my friend! I’m the one who added you on facebook. And we became mutual through the group in facebook. You have a good blog. Hope i get to know more of you my friend. God bless you!


  38. Hello Terry! Thanks for liking my write-up (tried my very best not to end up ranting like crazy!), and I do enjoy your writing (especially your Twinkle Star poem). Keep up being a champ!


  39. Pingback: Best Moments Awards 2013 | all that charms

  40. Just keep keeping on Terry. Life has a way a directing us in the right direction, whether it is to help others, or to learn something that we needed to know for ourselves. All energy work together for the good. Just keep your eyes and heart open.


  41. As a follower of “A Way With Words”, you are invited domain warming party as I move to a new blog address. Click on this link –


    You’ll think you are in a parallel universe.

    While you are there, be sure to click the “follow” button. Within the next week, I plan to publish exclusively from this site. Don’t miss out on any of the fun!


  42. Pingback: Dragon’s Loyalty Award | Alastair's Blog

  43. Pingback: A Sister’s Love | A Mixed Bag

  44. Hi Terry! Thank you so much for stumbled upon hodgepodge4thesoul-make yourself at home. 😀 I can relate to feeling others’ feelings-and that compels me to reach out. I look forward to reading more from you, too! 🙂

    God bless you,


  45. Pingback: Follow Friday: Terry1954 | A Mixed Bag

  46. So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers Terry…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Have a great old day…



  47. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | astraltravler

  48. Thank you for your visit to my Blog Migration-X3 and also following. I see that your Blog is quite interesting and your writing very much rich and expressive, yet sensitive and well grounded! It’s my pleasure to follow you too and blogging some of your posts my other Blog ”Partager la Magie – Sharing the Magic”. So, I’ll be near! Have a nice week-end!


  49. Dear Terry,
    I know something has changed in the week since I’ve checked in. I can only speculate and I’m so, so sorry. Life is so unfair and steals all that we love. I would check your blog every day if I could and was trying to make sure I did every weekend when I get a break from the Dr. appts. and my body/vision are a bit better. I hope you are hanging on–to anything. I am still here for you and love you, even from afar, and I’m sorry my own illness gets in the way.
    My heart is with you at this time and you are in my thoughts and prayers as always…
    A xo


    • Don’t ever be sorry for anything that has to do with me. I always feel so special that with the difficulty you have in seeing, you still choose to read my blogs. I think of you often and hope you are fine. We all deal with so much, it is just that each is unique in our own lives. Life isn’t easy but it can be rewarding. Having your friendship is rewarding to me. Hugs and love you my friend


  50. I am pleased to tell you that I’ve awarded you the Blog of the Year Award 2013! There’s no obligation to accept, I understand completely if you don’t. Anyway, thanks for reading and liking my blog “adicanada” I appreciate your support. For details about the award, please see my post http://wp.me/p3ujR2-hg Have a Happy Holiday and All the best for you on the New Year!! Adrian B.


  51. I thought I’d slip you my email address through a comment on your blog. It’s the safest way I can think of doing so. Please copy it and delete the comment afterward. Let me know if you’d like any of my prints so I can send them to you. You can send me an email so that I can attach them to it and get them to you. — bobmielke@fastmail.fm


  52. I have just nominated your blog for the “Field of Flowers Award”. It is an opportunity for bloggers to make themselves & their blogs better known to the blogging community.
    You can find out more & read my nominations here …

    The Field of Flowers Award

    Please feel free to decline if you are too busy or awards are just not your thing. People accept or decline for many reasons & the decision is entirely personal. I will, of course, be very happy if you accept:)


  53. Pingback: I Will Win. Not Immediately, But Definitely | A Mixed Bag

  54. Thank you so much for finding and following my blog. I hope you will visit often. My blog is a bit of a mishmash, but I have fun and hope others do too. I am looking forward to getting more posts from you as I now follow yours.


  55. Congratulations! I have just given you the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Of course, you are under no obligation to accept it, but if you do please visit my blog to find the award and the rules for acceptance. Whatever your decision, let me thank you for being a constant inspiration to your readers!


  56. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blog Award; One Lovely Blog Award; & Versatile Blogger Award | Words That Flow Like Water

  57. dear Terry, You are an Angel of Compassion…blessings to you…a Caregiver you are– special and beautiful! Your thought: ” I am dedicated to God. I live one day at a time with hope for a better tomorrow”—says it best! To borrow from Gibran, “We live in the heart of God”—and you are living God’s heart well!

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Hi Terry! I have read you previously and just discovered your Blog Page on Facebook! Great idea to use FB in this way. I have never thought of doing that with my blog. How did you go about doing this?
    You are an inspiration! Your stories and courage is good for me and others to read!
    Thank you for your sharing!
    I live in SE Wisconsin…not too far from Indiana. I have been through Indiana many times.
    Take care and blessings to you!


  59. Hey Terry,
    I enjoy your blog, True to your title, you and your blog are inspirational. I am nominating you for the 3 Qoute, 3 Day Challenge. I was nominated by Mia at The Grizzle Grist Mill (https://thegrizzlegrist.wordpress.com).
    The rules of the challenge:
    Three quotes for three days.
    Three nominees each day (no repetition).
    Thank the person who nominated you.
    Inform the nominees.

    Lord Bless, Keep, Shine. . .


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