Welcome 2020?

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

I can tell you about my memories

I can speak about my tears

I can tell you about my laughter

I can speak about important keys.

I can’t tell you about tomorrow

I can’t speak about my upcoming health

I can’t guess about decisions

I’ll just pray, head up and go.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd



13 thoughts on “Welcome 2020?

  1. So glad to see you back, Terry. My computer was not functioning and it was almost 2 months before it got fixed. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are. Hope you had a blessed Christmas. May your New Year be filled with blessings and a strong sense of the presence of the Lord with you.


    • just couldn’t get in the groove of writing for so long. Sometimes I write poetry. Decided to give it a try again tonight. I had a nice Christmas with family and am spending a quiet evening with my cat, Riley, the TV and the computer. Hugs and nice to see you on here


      • I had a couple of projects on the go before the computer quit and they were going to be Christmas gifts. Of course I had to forget about that. But I still need to finish them and am finding it hard to get back into it. I didn’t sleep much last night and was up at 4:45 and prayed almost non-stop for over 8 hours, part of the time with my pastor’s wife on the phone. Then I had a sandwich and was just about asleep when the phone rang and it was the pastor asking me to pray, so we prayed on the phone for another hour. I was about useless after that for a few hours. And I can’t seem to get to bed most nights much before midnight.


  2. You are so special my dear friend, love your poems, stories etc. Your paintings, photography. So talented. Praying for blessings over flowing for you in 2020. God bless you for being my friend.


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