Schools Today

I don’t know about your area, but here in Indiana the topic lately is schools. The question is; go to school or E learn at home.

I know people personally who have had their families affected by this Corona virus. I can’t say I wish I was in their place when it comes to this decision. We all love our kids. Why would we risk sending our kids to maybe come in contact with this virus. We would never forgive ourselves, would we, if something happened or became tragic.

What are parents thoughts? There is probably thoughts of a proper education or if the children stay home; who’s going to care for them if the parents are working outside the home. Even if the parents work inside the home, can they afford to be interrupted?

There could be issues of transporting to and from school and maybe food becomes more of a problem if the kids remain home each day and all week.

I don’t know what I would do. I would want my kids to have the best education I could give them and I know socialization is very important to having a well-rounded adult. What are your thoughts and what might you decide, because after all, these are our kids and we want them safe.

2 thoughts on “Schools Today

  1. Since I am not a parent, I cannot answer this personally, but several of the people in our church are opting to do homeschooling rather than send their kids back to school. Most of them have never homeschooled before, but it seems to have been a better option than the online school that happened until June. Some kids really enjoy it, but others really like to be, and some do need to be, in a school setting with routine and stricter supervision. It would be a hard decision to make.

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