Christmas Joy in the Mail

It is bitter cold day outside. Freezing temperatures and that white stuff called snow. What flowers I used to enjoy through the summer now take a look of a different kind of beauty, still and peaceful. Here is the photo.snow flower

In the midst of the cold warmth is brought in to our home by Christmas cards. I would like to say a big thank-you to all who sent cards to Al and me.

To Diane S., thank-you for the card for Al, and the CD, book and card for me, thank-you very much.

To Michele B, thank-you so much.

To Michele B. from N.C., thank-you for Al’s card.

To Sandy R. a big thank-you for  my card.

To Sandy R., N.C., thank-you for Al’s card.

From Kell, N.C, thank-you for Al’s card.

From Claire R, N.C, thank-you for my card.

From Kell, N.C. thank-you for  my card.

From Teresa F., thank-you for Al’s card.

Al and I want to give you all a cyber hug for your gifts. Al has all of his cards hanging on his wall so that when he looks up he can see them. The lighted and cards that play are always on his bed with him and are played daily. We thank-you all so very much.