My First Photo Shoot

My First Photo Shoot

Today I was invited to my first photo shoot. I was pleased as punch and was doing everything from allowing myself to jump so high that I would hit the ceiling because that is how excited I was.

I did the shoot for Special Olympics this afternoon. A large group of people and friends went to the Bowling Alley on State Road 15 North, in Warsaw, Indiana.

I had a ball and I could tell by the faces…

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My First Photo Shoot


Today I was invited to my first photo shoot. I was pleased as punch and was doing everything from allowing myself to jump so high that I would hit the ceiling because that is how excited I was.

I did the shoot for Special Olympics this afternoon. A large group of people and friends went to the Bowling Alley on State Road 15 North, in Warsaw, Indiana.

I had a ball and I could tell by the faces that everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone thanked me and I thanked everyone for the invite.

The above link is where the photos are if you care to look at my work.