Daily Prompt; Linger

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever?

I love to linger first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I hate getting up and having to do anything. Give me a half an hour before I have to go in and take care of…

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Daily Prompt; Linger

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever?


I love to linger first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I hate getting up and having to do anything. Give me a half an hour before I have to go in and take care of Al. Al 4 Don’t let that phone ring.phone Let me have that first cup of steaming coffee. coffeeLet me play Candy Crush Saga for five minutes. http://www.candycrushsaga.com/

After that I can face anyone and anything.


In the evenings I love it when I hopefully have Al settled for the night. I love the quietness. I usually watch my one soap opera that I have watched since I was 13 years old. Young and  The Restless.young and restless

I cuddle up to Rhino, our cat in bed.DSC00159 I pet him and put all my stress into each stroke. He didn’t like laying there for me at one time, but now, he just knows I am going to pet him no matter what. Last evening he came to the head of my bed and laid down. He is finally trained, LOL. I turn on my TV and watch the Nick at Nite station until I fall asleep.nick at nite