Chapter 15

A contemporary white wedding cake decorated wi...

Henry finished in the bathroom. He was listening to some music when he heard the door knocker. He answered it and there stood Jane and her parents. Carol walked in and welcomed them. She showed Jane to the bedroom she would get changed.

Henry and his dad chatted with Jane’s parents and then the preacher arrived. Carol offered them all something to drink while they were waiting for the bride. ” It sure is a good day for the wedding isn’t it”? Reverend Dan asked. “Yes it sure is. It was a perfect day to mow the yard too”. George replied.

Jane was asking for her mother. When Debbie walked in she broke out in a smile. Her daughter looked beautiful. She had a cream-colored taffeta dress on. It was knee-length. Simple and beautiful with a big bow in the back at the waist.

“Help me put my veil on please mom” Jane said. With careful movement the veil was placed. Both ladies looked in the mirror and smiled. ” I hope you will be happy Jane. You have a big road a head of you. Just take one day at a time”. Jane gave her mom a quick hug and stood in front of the mirror as her mother left to let everyone know Jane was ready.

Reverend Dan stood in the middle and each set of parents stood on either side. Henry in his black suit stood tall and handsome waiting for Jane to appear. Music was playing in the background as Jane appeared. She walked over to Henry and stood beside him.

Vows were said and the kiss was given. They were now married. George said,” Well congratulations you two and hope you are as happy as Carol and I have been. Welcome to the family Debbie and Dave”. Everyone shook hands and hugged and then Carol invited them to help themselves to the food she had set out.

Henry and Jane did not know that they were going to have a wedding cake. They had not had the money to purchase one. When they saw it they hugged each other. ” This is one of our gifts to you kids” Carol said. I hope it taste as good as it looks. They all chuckled and filled their plates.

Sitting in the living room Dave asked Henry,” So what are your plans now? Going anywhere special tonight”?

Henry said, ” Yes, I have plans. It is a secret though. I haven’t told Jane where we are going”.

Jane looked at him and asked ” Where are we going? You can tell me now. We are married folks”. Henry laughed and replied, ” You will just have to wait and see.”

Carol said to Henry and Jane, ” If you two want to go ahead and leave it’s all right with us. We will just sit here and visit with our new in-laws”. Henry and Jane looked at each other and agreed and said, ” Sure Mom, I guess we can go ahead and leave. We will see you tomorrow sometime”.

The two went into Henry’s room and gathered a bag together and saying goodbye to everyone and thanks for coming they left.  Carol went back into the kitchen to start cleaning up a little bit. She was running some dish water when Debbie came out and asked, ” Would you like some help? It will give us a chance to get to know each other a little bit better”.

“Sure I don’t mind the help. I am sort of tired. It may have been a small wedding but it was still work. I guess I am just getting old”. The two laughed and did the dishes. Carol asked, ” How long you and Dave been married”?

“Too long some days I think. Some days that man just gets on my nerves so bad. Then other days I don’t know what I would do without him”.

“Yes, I know what you mean. I think all marriages are like that” Carol said.

Henry gave Jane the biggest kiss he ever had. ” Well how does it feel to be married”?

“I don’t know Henry. I have only been married about two hours”. The two laughed and Henry started the car and they took off. He drove to the motel that he had reserved and parked the car. The two walked in and announced they were here for their room.

After filling out the required paper work, the attendant handed Henry the key to the room. The two walked down the long hall until they saw the room number and he unlocked the door. Jane started to walk through and Henry said, ” Wait wait wait. You are not walking in the door”.

He swooped her up in his arms and carried her through the door and sat her on the bed. “There, I did it right. We are officially married now” Henry laughed. He went back out in the hall and grabbed their bag. He put the DO NOT DISTURB card on the door and shut it.

He stood in front of Jane saying nothing. Their eyes spoke to each other. Soon he was helping her off with her clothes. He took his off and the two laid on the bed. No more sneaking around. This time was all theirs. In each others arms. Loving each other like this was the very first time.

Afterwards, they took a shower together and laid down on the bed and held hands and talked about their future. After some time went by they got dressed and checked out the room better.

“Look Henry, at this closet. They have a built-in hair dryer and they even have bags for your dirty laundry. Over here is a television remote. That is so cool. We can stay in bed and switch the channels”.

Henry liked that part. He took the remote and flipped on the television and started going through the channels. ” You hungry Jane? After that wild sex I am getting pretty hungry”.

Jane said, “I am getting hungry. My stomach is growling”. Henry walked over to where she was standing and placed his hand on her belly. ” We don’t want to starve the kid so let’s  go get something to eat”. he replied.