Holidays Are Coming

Saturday evening. The last couple of nights as I am laying down to sleep my mind has begun to form the scary thoughts of what I am about to do at the beginning of October. I will be getting my upper teeth I have left pulled and getting dentures.

All I can do is let my thought process take over and let me stress enough to keep me awake. Have any of you had this done? How bad is it really? Instant mashed potatoes have begun to appear in the kitchen. I thought about adding applesauce, pudding, ice-cream, and yogurt to the list of edible foods I will be able to eat for the first week. After that, I hope to graduate to soft foods such as macaroni and cheese. I sure will be glad when this is over.

I ordered me a toy last week and was able to use it for the first time today. I bought a metal detector. I asked my son-in-law if he wanted to go outside to help me use it, in case I fell.

He said ok and we went to work, which was more work for him since he was the digger when the detector found something. The time went by too quick but I knew we needed to stop so he would not get too tired from the digging. We discovered two pop cans, an old beer tab, an old  horse-shoe, and two parts to a strap that were looped metal. It seemed to be part of a piece that helped hold a horse to the post when the rider needed to stop and get off. I hope to get to do this again very soon.

I have been interested in culture and history for many years. I do not know too much about Kentucky grounds, but will be researching this property and area to see what may have happened years and years ago.

I am doing pretty good down here. I have days where I can barely walk, other days I have to use my walker or cane, and sometimes I have days where I can make it most of the day without any accessories.

It cooled down and the humidity left for a few days. The windows were opened for fresh air. I talked to a friend from back in Warsaw and found out it was rather chilly there. The temperature made me realize that sooner than later furnaces and heaters would be turned on low.

I have seen Christmas commercials already on the TV. merchandisers waste no time at trying to reach out and take your money. I have been contemplating lately about Christmas.

When you are in the position of being a mom and a grandma, and you have an illness that no longer allows you to earn money, Christmas shopping becomes an issue. Should I purchase gifts for my own kids as I have done ever since I  had my first child?

Should I fore go my own kids and buy gifts for the ten grandchildren? Should I have a Christmas like I did one year where we titled it, “Make and Bake Christmas”? I don’t know what to do. How do I make everyone happy and yet keep within my small budget? Any ideas?

My daughter has had a change at work and is working more day shifts now than evening shifts. It is nice to have her home and I am positive that her family also appreciates  her presence. It is nice and makes me smile inside when I see the family together once again, sharing a dinner and conversation.

Well, I will close for now. Talk to you all soon. Have a great and blessed 7

26 thoughts on “Holidays Are Coming

  1. Perhaps gifts for the grandchildren, and small tokens for the grown children? At their age, the grands still consider Christmas a big treat-for-all. Goodies, food, and gifts. The adults will be more understanding about financial constraints, and may even just prefer a quiet evening to themselves as a gift, or something decorative that’s nice to look at, but not really up to being used for anything. In fact, maybe you can get the adults really fancily done copies of a poem you’ve written for them. I know one birthday I did a poem for my sister using one of my nature shots and some editing, and she was very, very pleased.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Terry, have you thought about buying a game the whole family can play to eliminate having to shop for individual gifts? Or perhaps a gift card for some place the whole family enjoys – restaurant, show, some other available activity in the area? That would certainly make shopping much easier for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. how about coupons where possible? you know like one bed time story, one night in my bed if you are afraid of …. for the parents any number of rewards or assistance. baking is a great idea! my grandmother couldn’t buy everyone a present and we never felt anything negative in response. she would sometimes pick up black walnuts from a neighbors tree, pick them from their shell and give them to us. i hate that you worry so about giving when what you have to give can not be put in a box with a bow.

    please be kind to yourself and don’t underestimate the love of your family:) love and hugs my friend


  4. I’ve chosen two of my great-nieces for gift giving this year…they seem to be the most in need…I’m collecting things when I’m out a few at a time…to stash and then wrap closer to Christmas…Of course my Grandkids…Gift cards or cash…and maybe one small gift…We draw names for my little family which consists of Bobby, my two sons, daughter-in-law, her Mother and me…So only one $20.00 gift for each of us…


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