Daily Prompt, One Word Prompt


The word for today is Treasure.

There are different thoughts that come to people’s minds when they hear the word treasure. Examples may be;

Money, coming into money, having more than you did a minute ago.

Children’s giggles, to us grandparents, there is definitely a treasure to the ear when we hear a baby giggle.

Others may feel a treasure is inside their home. The collections of trinkets gathered throughout their years.

Maybe getting to go out to a special restaurant with a loved one; brings back a multitude of treasured memories.

To some, the most prized treasure in their life is the Bible; sitting on their nightstand with the purple bookmark, waiting to continue on reading this night.

To some children, I would think getting some soupy rice and a cup of clean water is a treasure.

To many of us, being broke until next pay day, but knowing the bills are paid, is a delectable treasure.

To a teenager, who has worked hard, being handed his own keys to the car he paid for all by himself, is certainly his highest treasure at that point in his life.

To the cancer patient who hears the words, You are now cancer free, has to be about the best and biggest treasure they have ever had, and yet they are holding nothing in their hands.

So, what about you? What does treasure mean to you?







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