In My Neck of the Woods

Image result for Warsaw, Indiana

Map of Warsaw, Indiana

WarsawCity in Indiana


Warsaw is a city in and the county seat of Kosciusko County, Indiana, United States. Warsaw has a population of 13,559 as of the 2010 U.S. Census. WikipediaWeather: 63°F (17°C), Wind S at 10 mph (16 km/h), 38% HumidityZIP Codes: 46580-46582Hotels: 3-star averaging $123. View hotelsPopulation: 14,941 (2018)Local time: Wednesday 8:22 PM

Here in Indiana we are lifting the lock down. For me, I am considered a high risk so I think I can venture out this coming Friday with caution. Restaurants are allowed to have inside dining at a fifty percent capacity.

Churches are allowed to be back in session with seating every other pew. The community YMCA is opening with caution and restrictions and doctors are allowed to do some elective surgeries.

I never dreamed when I first heard of this virus that it would be such a snowball effect. We hear so many stories about how it started. I have heard it started from China eating bats and some stories say it is the conditions of the animals before being butchered. I have heard stories that it was lab made and some very important people made it and have known about its existence for a long time.

It matters, of course, how it came about so we can get a vaccine, but the more important issue to me is how this has affected working people and children. I think of how long it has been that a payroll check has been received or that not everyone here has received their stimulus checks.

Life is tough and I don’t want to see anyone kicked out of their homes or anyone go hungry. There has been many groups that are providing food for those in need. I have seen people come together in so many ways. That is the beauty and maybe the only beauty of this deadly virus.

I pray and I hope you pray or whatever it is that you do that we find a cure and we can go about living again. It may never be like our past living and we can adjust to a new way of living, I’m sure.

God bless you my friends and stay safe.

7 thoughts on “In My Neck of the Woods

  1. Thank you….Connecticut will start to reopen in six days. Restaurants that have outdoor seating will be opening while the others that don’t allow for that will still have curbside or delivery until June 20 when they will be open.

    My gym is supposed to open in mid June.

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  2. They are talking about allowing churches to open here at 40% capacity. That would mean we could open and everyone who normally comes would be able to come because we have a large church with a balcony and a relatively small congregation. I haven’t heard anything about restaurants opening yet though. I’m not a shopper and I rarely go to a restaurant, so it has not inconvenienced me at all and I’m quite happy staying home. Being by myself has never been a problem for me thank the Lord. But I do hope this thing will stop soon, both the lock down and the virus. There have been too many unwise decisions made by government officials. I read tonight that there is about $40 million being paid to people every month that are not even eligible, and the government is doing nothing about it. I don’t know where they are getting all this money.

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  3. It has changed life totally for everyone. Where ever it came form , so many theories, we need to live with it and make the best, stay healthy and stay safe. Life goes on and many lockdowns ease off. I do hope we have conquered it soon . Life will never be the same for a while. I will be very careful and keep my distance, as we are supposed to open schools on 1.6.20, where I work. It will be a challenge. Keep safe Terry.

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