Words From Indiana

Look at this weather here in Indiana! Cold or chilly, use your own wording. Here in Warsaw, it is below our average May temperatures, but on the other hand, it’s really going to make us northerners appreciate our summer.

It sure seems that the Corona Virus has played havoc on 2020. We here in Indiana, have began to reopen our state. I am not eager to venture out. The numbers are still rising on the sick ones, although there has only been one extra death. How is it in your state? Are you reopening? If so, what businesses are open? I saw that one of my favorite places to eat is now accepting dine-in customers with many restrictions. It’s called Culvers. It’s an ice-cream shop with the best service and the best food.I absolutely love their fish sandwiches. I have never been disappointed. Culvers .hires mildly challenged people and I am all for that. I always have appreciated employers giving the challenged an opportunity to work and feel good about themselves. I know how my brother felt about working and receiving a pay check.

My brother was mildly, mentally challenged He had the lowest, paying job for the nine years he worked there but he never minded. He never missed a day and was a dependable employee. He was so sad to lose his job after suffering his heart attack. He cried. He just didn’t understand why he couldn’t go back. My brother was a very routine kind of guy, so this really messed him up. Unfortunately I lost him to the terrible disease called Multiple System Atrophy. He passed away in 2014.

What are you doing with your time? Have you been able to work from home? How has your home life changed? I have had many more aches and pains from doing much of nothing. I tinker around the home but I need to be doing more. If we can get warmer weather daily, I want to walk as far as I can with my walker. Although, I know my blood pressure bottoms out when standing, I keep telling myself, with more exercise, hopefully I can fix this. It isn’t true but I continue to allow myself to think about it.

Well, I’ll end this with wishing each of you mothers with a gift from me to you through cyber space. I hope you all find something good about tomorrow!!

11 thoughts on “Words From Indiana

  1. Is it already that long ago that Al passed away. Time is just going too fast. Hope you will have a good Mothers day and stay safe. I am still working either from work or from home. I only live 5 minutes away from work- handy really. I do like to work from home. It is peaceful and no stress. I actually do like the peace and emptiness around. So much quieter. Do take care and stay safe Terry.

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    • Thank you. Here in Indiana we began lock down on March 23rd. Today, there is one restaurant open now with 50 percent allowed in. I’m ready for warmer weather. It froze here last night and is very chilly for Spring. Keep safe

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  2. Landscapers are now allowed to be open. Some stores will be open only for curbside pickup. I wonder how that works if you’re needing a new pair of shoes? 🙂 A friend called yesterday morning and said it was snowing! I hadn’t looked out at that point, but when I did, there was no snow. It’s funny how different parts of my city can have snow and other parts don’t. But it was really chilly. It was rather gray here all day. It is raining now.

    I can’t believe Al has been gone that long either. Wow, where does the time go?

    I haven’t been out since March 15. I have been spend a great deal more time in prayer and Bible reading even than before. Some days it’s all I do. And I talk on the phone with friends, especially those who are alone. It has been good, really. We had zero new cases here in London and no deaths in the past couple of days. That’s a good sign.

    Keep safe especially when you are out walking by yourself. Don’t go too far from home so you don’t have a problem getting home again. God bless you and fill you with joy.


    • Things are really starting to open up here in Indiana but to be honest, it scares me. Deaths are now up. Restaurants are to be at 50% in dining but I don’t see that many people going inside when I am going by them. Still a lot going through drive thrus. Fear is still amongst a lot of us here and with good reason. We had chilly and freezing night time temps here for a week. Tomorrow it will be 70 and continue for a week with chances of rain and thunderstorms. The weatherman says no more cold weather until Fall. We shall see. lol Take care and stay safe


      • I found out today that for us here in Ontario we have only a one in 2200 chance of dying of COVID, and for those of us not in nursing homes where most deaths occur, it’s probably much less chance. We have not had many cases here in London and no new ones for a bit.

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