To Be Resolved/ The Daily Post

To Be Resolved

We’re entering the final days of 2014 — how did you do on your New Year’s resolutions these past 11.75 months? Is there any leftover item to be carried over to 2015?

Until this year, I have always looked at New Year’s eve as a sad and down day. The knowledge of what had been happening in my life was familiar; and yet I didn’t want to go into unknown territories.

I used to make resolutions; but hey, let’s face it, many of those aren’t followed after the end of January. Life gets back to normal. Work schedules are once again a five-day a week plus. Kids get bored, school continues on. No more vacations until Spring.

I quit making resolutions years ago. I doubt if I break that record this year either. What I will do instead is be thankful that I have the opportunity to start walking my path in 2015.

I will say thank-you to God for allowing me this day. I will still continue to pray for those who are in unfortunate situations. I will pray that our world wakes up before it is too late. I will give a smile above that my bills are still paid and I can put food on the table.

I guess when it is all over and said, I will once again be thankful and forget the resolution making because I know I won’t stick to it; but realizing how lucky I am is real and I will always keep that upper front in my mind.

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