To Be Resolved/ The Daily Post

To Be Resolved

We’re entering the final days of 2014 — how did you do on your New Year’s resolutions these past 11.75 months? Is there any leftover item to be carried over to 2015?

Until this year, I have always looked at New Year’s eve as a sad and down day. The knowledge of what had been happening in my life was familiar; and yet I didn’t want to go into unknown territories.

I used to make resolutions; but hey, let’s face it, many of those aren’t followed after the end of January. Life gets back to normal. Work schedules are once again a five-day a week plus. Kids get bored, school continues on. No more vacations until Spring.

I quit making resolutions years ago. I doubt if I break that record this year either. What I will do instead is be thankful that I have the opportunity to start walking my path in 2015.

I will say thank-you to God for allowing me this day. I will still continue to pray for those who are in unfortunate situations. I will pray that our world wakes up before it is too late. I will give a smile above that my bills are still paid and I can put food on the table.

I guess when it is all over and said, I will once again be thankful and forget the resolution making because I know I won’t stick to it; but realizing how lucky I am is real and I will always keep that upper front in my mind.

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Fly To The Angels

Little confused

Little weepy

Minutes turn to hours

Hours turn to days

Days turn to weeks

Nothing has changed

Yet all is different

Life is still living

Yet life feels so dead

Thoughts from the past

Are stuck in the head

Nothing I can do

No matter how I try

It’s all up to you

Whether you laugh or you cry

Life has a purpose

But I don’t know what it is

Lying here in bed

Time ticks by slowly

A dying man’s thoughts

Carry him to the end of time

Just waiting for a signal

A time for the change

A time to decide

Whether to cling or fly

Oh winter please hurry

And turn into Spring

Make me whole once again

Let me fly with the angels

And hear them sing.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd




