Picture It & Write It, Prompt #29

The camera lights flickering from the background, capturing the gracefulness of the dancer. Beauty beyond the eye being held by the lens. Being put in a trance, mesmerized by her movements.Cheers could be heard from the crowds who flocked heavily to see her last performance. Standing ovations with much clapping and whistles  could be seen and heard from outside of the arena.

A dancer, from a small country, worked very hard as a child, with persuasions from her family, had paid off. She had started in her own small school in plays and worked her way to America, performing in the most well-recognized halls. She had never married, but was married to her talent. People followed her from around the world. Now, today, twenty-five years later, she was giving the audience what they  had always hungered. Her greatest performance, her finale.  Roses were given, along with hugs, tears and kisses. Fare-wells could be heard echoed from corner to corner.

A small two-week break, and she would be teaching young children with talent on how to better express themselves through their dance.

Thank you to Picture It & Write It, for allowing me another chance to express myself through your picture.
