Daily Prompt; Ingredients

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

What’s the one item in your kitchen you can’t possibly cook without? A spice, your grandma’s measuring cup, instant ramen — what’s your magic ingredient, and why?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us KITCHEN.


Standing in the kitchen

Rag in one hand

Spatula in other

Window open

Feeling the breeze

Grease popping

Bacon frying

Eggs a stirring

Music jamming

I take a moment

And pause to say

Thank-you God

For one more day.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd





old woman

10 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; Ingredients

  1. I love to cook because I love to eat. My favorite meal is breakfast so that means my favorite spice is cinnamon. I love French Toast, spiced apple oatmeal and Malto Meal so my cinnamon is always at hand. I buy it in bulk and refill my small jar dispenser.


  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Ingredients | Wordz on a Page

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt; Ingredients | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  4. I really like this poem and I will do nothing in the kitchen with out a dishwasher which is another reason why I live in an apt-I have a dishwasher<:)


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