Daily Prompt; Learning Style

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

What’s your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simply by reading books?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LEARNING.

This is one of the most difficult areas in my learning days. When I was in college, I would do the same thing as others. Highlight in my books, take notes, try to get involved with answers and questions.

I would go home in the evenings and stick my nose in the books. Ignoring everything in the house, seeing only black and white and yellow highlights. I made good grades. In fact I usually got straight A’s, but wow, did I have to cram and put most of my waking hours into those grades.

When I got divorced I bought a computer desk.desk I lugged it to the car and hoisted it into the trunk. I drove home. Huffed and puffed carrying it into the house.

I laid every board out, every screw and bolt. I got the needed tools. All was in place. Next I read the directions. Then I reread the directions.

I looked at the photos and then read the words again. I glanced at the pieces. I started remembering back to when I was in college and I learned I was not a learner by lectures, writing notes, cramming or anything else.

I was a hand’s on learner. I learned by doing. I tossed the paper aside and pulled up my big girl  pants and one by one I put the desk together. It was like putting puzzles together as a kid.

Trying a piece that looked like it may fit. Maybe having to exchange it for another piece. It took me probably twice as long as my ex would have taken, but hey, I did it. Soon I was smiling, so proud that I had a computer desk. Standing firm and strong, my computer sitting atop. I sat down and rubbed my hands along the nice, smooth wood and began typing.

2 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; Learning Style

  1. I need to read the instructions of something and I still get it wrong, like with the simple chest of drawers for my son. The drawers wouldn’t fit as I put the runners the wrong way up…hehe , well in the end I got it. I have a lot of patience and did also put a metal bunkbed together for the boys, my best achievment so far, apart from the new tap in the kitchen( which took me 5 hours) I shall stop now before you crack up laughing……


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