What Do You Know or Believe?

Do you believe? I have days where I doubt. I have times where I want to  believe. Many years ago I was sitting in an old farmhouse with my girlfriend. Our kids were in bed and it was quiet.

She had been having issues with a marriage. What was God’s answers to marriage compared to her desires. This particular evening as we were sitting and talking she had a vision come to her.

I didn’t see anything. It was all hers, but I did see her rocker move. It scared me to be honest. She saw it to and she then told me of the vision she had. An elderly gentleman, who went to our church who had passed on, came to her and sat on her rocker.  Her answers she sought had been given to her. We talked and sort of laughed over the rocker. The night went on but I never forgot what had happened.

Then there is Al. What about what he says he sees? Is he really seeing our parents? Has he really had a vision of Jesus standing next to him? What about the late evening this past summer when my son and my nephew and I were sitting around the campfire, when the front door went slamming open. It remained open long enough that a person had enough time to exit the door.

I always think of the Ghost Hunters on TV as an entertaining program to watch for fun. Do I really believe this can happen? Do others have experiences that takes any doubt out of their mind that there are spirits living among us?

What about exorcism, do you believe in these? Can Satan disguise himself as a person and play cruel jokes on our minds?

I am watching Dr. Phil right now. The topic is on spirits living in our human world. Famous people who I think are good people are on there explaining their own stories. Dr. Phil, whom I really enjoy watching, says he is a skeptic, but open-minded enough to listen.

I just wanted to get your opinions. Anything you have to say, or a story to tell, there will be no judging. Feel free to write a comment to me. Like I said, there are times I want to  believe, and other times I am as Dr. Phil, a skeptic.dr. philghosts

31 thoughts on “What Do You Know or Believe?

  1. I’ve had too many experiences with strange happenings and events to doubt that there is a lot we humans don’t understand, and I firmly believe that we’re a part of something much larger than we can see. I think you’ve inspired me to share some of my experiences. Thanks.


  2. Terry, I don’t believe in those funny strange happenings. I believe that God answers our prayers and and had situation that I knew this only happened as an answer of my prayer. But I do not htink he makes things move or rock, this is in our imagination. As for Al, I do think he can see your parents, he is so close and I think dying people are closer to God as we think and have more insight. Does that make sense?


  3. Terry,

    I believe that my spirit guides help me. I believe in angels and God’s whispers. I know I have a direct connect and because of this I thank those guides everyday. I have not had visions although I love and have lived with people that have them regularly. Who am I to question or doubt what they see/hear or believe? If believing in these occurrences make you feel better about the situation you are dealing with, if they comfort Al, then don’t discount them. Don’t question why they are happening or have happened. They are helping you and Al through a tough time and perhaps it is just what you need. {{hugs}}


    • I really like your comment Soul. It is up to us then whether we choose to act upon what happens in our lives or to ignore. Thank you for a great comment. I am not sure about evil spirits, so I can’t really comment on that, but I think you are good, so there can be no evil around you


  4. Hi Terry…. I’ve never written here before but have been following along with you and Al for several months now. I was a skeptic too but have come to whole-heartedly to believe, as the saying goes, “there’s more than meets the eye”. I have had some experiences I will never forget. When my dad passed away in 2009 I went to say one last good bye at the funeral home. I told him how I loved him and would never forget him. I said this over and over again stirring up a lot of energy. At one point I had my left hand on his chest and my right on to of his head when I felt something bump or pop into the palm of my right hand. For some months after that there were several incidents lights, shadows and someone or something tapping me in the dark. I was never afraid, but found it comforting.

    I’m so sorry you and your brother have to go through all this pain and suffering. M sister- in law


    • Hi Terry…. I’ve never written here before but have been following along with you and Al for several months now. I was a skeptic too but have come to whole-heartedly to believe, as the saying goes, “there’s more than meets the eye”. I have had some experiences I will never forget. When my dad passed away in 2009 I went to say one last good bye at the funeral home. I told him how I loved him and would never forget him. I said this over and over again stirring up a lot of energy. At one point I had my left hand on his chest and my right on top of his head when I felt something bump or pop into the palm of my right hand. It was incredible and gave me the assurance that he was OK. For some months after that there were several incidents involving lights, shadows and someone or something tapping me in the dark. I was never afraid, but found it comforting.

      I’m so sorry you and your brother have to go through all this pain and suffering. My sister- in-law has MSA also. She has been my sister and good friend for over 40 now…..I so hate this disease!!!


      • What a beautiful comment Diane. I hate it that your sister has MSA, but I love it that you have been not only sisters but good friends. You have had a special gift with her all these years. If you ever need to talk you can email me at
        big, giant hugs and thanks for introducing yourself


  5. I am a true believer! And even though I have not had experiences while awake I have seen my father and my late husband in my dreams. They say that the come to you in your dreams and you will not remember a lot about it because your not supposed to see what heaven looks like until your time comes. My husband has had many experiences and has seen them and so has his children. An old indian chief used to sit on his daughters bed. Kind of like he was watching over her. I also see the orbs in my pictures. The difference between orbs and dust is they are bigger than dust could ever be. Seen that on one of the shows before. I have also seen a show where real people they will tell you where in the states they are from share their experiences. And I have been told the ones who are skeptic will be skeptic until it actually happens to you yourself. If it never has then you will and would find it hard to believe. In the case of my dream my dad told me that everything was going to be ok and then it was over. He did so because he knew I had a hard time with him dying the way he had by suicide. And I was having stress seizures left and right and also happened just before my 16th birthday. So it is I guess all in ones self beliefs or disbeliefs. But you will know for sure the day or night it ever happens to you. Then you will know they do exist


  6. I don’t know whether or not what happened to me was in fact my mother coming to me after she died or not or whether it was a dream… I believe it to be real but who knows but on two occasions after she passed ….I was awakened and it sure didn’t seem like a dream because she was there … on one occasion she bent down and kissed my cheek and then said she had to go… On the other she said nothing and I remember sitting up and opening and closing my eyes in case it was a dream but she was still there for only a couple of minutes if that…. I was going through a very difficult time when this happened and felt very comforted. Only God knows what really happened … maybe He allowed me this to find comfort… I don’t know.. Diane


  7. My father passed in 1975 when I was 27 yrs old. I could not go into his hospital room after he had passed because I didn’t want that vision to be my last memory of him. in the early hours of the next morning, I had a dream/vision and Dad’s comforting voice saying to me, that he was okay and that I would be okay. Many years have passed, and I have had other dreams with both parents (my mother passed 9 years later) and it comforts me to know that they check in once in awhile. I believe that all things are possible with God and that my parents and other family will be there to take me over when it is my time to go. My sister has MSA and she is fearful of dying. . I read about your journey with Al and I also read other blogs with families living with MSA The “living” with MSA is so much more suffering than any of my family can imagine right now, that I can only pray that the passing over into a pain-free dimension with a new spiritual body will be joyous for our loved ones.


    • You are a very wise lady. I believe that not seeing your dad at the end was to your benefit. I also believe that they have been comforting you ever since. You are a very lucky lady to have them still with you.


  8. Terry,

    I believe the Bible is crystal clear that when a person dies they go immediately into the hands of the Lord and at that point is consigned to their dwelling place which is not upon this earth. Based upon this, I do not believe that the “ghosts” of those who have died before us exist on the earth.

    The Bible is equally clear that angels (both Godly and fallen, demonic angels do exist in this world and are active among us). Many times the “experience” people have are explained through natural events. However, I do believe, in rare occasions, the experiences people have can be attributed to these beings.

    If anyone is interested in the Bible references that I am referring to they are welcome to visit my postings on the subject:

    Spirits Among Us – Do Ghosts Exist?

    Spirits Among Us – What Are They?

    You both continue in my prayers Terry. May the Lord honor your faithfulness as you care for your brother in these very stressful and difficult times.


  9. I know for a fact that spirits walk among us and angels guide us.
    I can sit and tell you many times about when my sister passed and my heart broke.
    She was 5 states away and hit head on by a drunk driver. She and her beautiful 17 month old twin boys were killed instantly.
    I heard babies giggle and then saw her standing in the moonlight from the full moon smiling at me.
    She said nothing but smiled a smile that showed happiness and she glowed.
    An hour later I got the call she was dead.
    When my oldest son died in Utah, I heard him tell me he loved me and I turned to see him, thinking he had come home to surprise me, but there was nothing there.
    I got the call the next morning he has died.
    So I know with out a doubt that the spirit of our loved ones do walk among us, or come to say good bye to comfort us.


  10. Hi Terry, I do not believe in ghosts, but do believe, that God will send His Angels to be with Al, as they get ready to accompany him on the journey that will take him before the Lord. Who knows what is transpiring between Al and God? I would love to listen in. What a marvelous conversation they must be having. I do believe that He is giving Al a glimpse of what awaits him, once he arrives at that Heavenly place. Take courage, and be reassured, that the Lord will receive Al, with open arms. Blessings.


  11. I’m a skeptic too but also open-minded. I love stories about supernatural things. My favourite is the series Supernatural and my all time favourite movie is Beetlejuice. LOL! I am not a believer when it comes to religion at all. Just call me a ‘Googlist’. LOL!
    Great post Terry! 😀 *hugs*


  12. I go back & forth on faith & spiritual happenings/insights.
    But – I’ve had several life experiences to deny anything.
    I like to keep an open heart & an open mind.
    Hope that makes sense.


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