What Do You Know or Believe?

What Do You Know or Believe?

Do you believe? I have days where I doubt. I have times where I want to  believe. Many years ago I was sitting in an old farmhouse with my girlfriend. Our kids were in bed and it was quiet.

She had been having issues with a marriage. What was God’s answers to marriage compared to her desires. This particular evening as we were sitting and talking she had a vision come to her.

I didn’t see…

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What Do You Know or Believe?

Do you believe? I have days where I doubt. I have times where I want to  believe. Many years ago I was sitting in an old farmhouse with my girlfriend. Our kids were in bed and it was quiet.

She had been having issues with a marriage. What was God’s answers to marriage compared to her desires. This particular evening as we were sitting and talking she had a vision come to her.

I didn’t see anything. It was all hers, but I did see her rocker move. It scared me to be honest. She saw it to and she then told me of the vision she had. An elderly gentleman, who went to our church who had passed on, came to her and sat on her rocker.  Her answers she sought had been given to her. We talked and sort of laughed over the rocker. The night went on but I never forgot what had happened.

Then there is Al. What about what he says he sees? Is he really seeing our parents? Has he really had a vision of Jesus standing next to him? What about the late evening this past summer when my son and my nephew and I were sitting around the campfire, when the front door went slamming open. It remained open long enough that a person had enough time to exit the door.

I always think of the Ghost Hunters on TV as an entertaining program to watch for fun. Do I really believe this can happen? Do others have experiences that takes any doubt out of their mind that there are spirits living among us?

What about exorcism, do you believe in these? Can Satan disguise himself as a person and play cruel jokes on our minds?

I am watching Dr. Phil right now. The topic is on spirits living in our human world. Famous people who I think are good people are on there explaining their own stories. Dr. Phil, whom I really enjoy watching, says he is a skeptic, but open-minded enough to listen.

I just wanted to get your opinions. Anything you have to say, or a story to tell, there will be no judging. Feel free to write a comment to me. Like I said, there are times I want to  believe, and other times I am as Dr. Phil, a skeptic.dr. philghosts