Envelope Pushers


When was the last time you took a risk (big or small), and pushed your own boundaries — socially, professionally, or otherwise? Were you satisfied with the outcome?


The last thing I did that was outside the box of what I do normally is write two books and publish them. The first book I wrote, called Dahlia, is an inspiring story. I thought it so well related to today’s living. Problems arise and we can make one of two choices. We can stand tall and break through the rocky road, or we can give up and move towards something else. This is what this book is about. I have had quite a few compliments on this book which made me feel pretty good.


The second book was written while my brother Al was going through the struggles of MSA. I finished the book soon after his death. This is full of Al’s story of his life and how we dealt with the horrible disease, which is quite rare. I wrote this book in hope that other families and caregivers would not be in such fear as they walked with their loved ones through the different stages.

Both of these books can be purchased through Create Space or at Amazon.

I am disappointed with my second book. The book is alright. It is the hope that I lost from writing the book. My hope continued to the point where I hoped to teach others through a class or have professionals want to read it. I feel like I have not carried on Al’s name by helping others.

There is so little known about this terrible illness, but the ones who are familiar with it; the ones living through it, I wanted so much to be able to help them.

book 2

9 thoughts on “Envelope Pushers

  1. I have been pushing my boundaries socially, professionally and in writing. Socially still progressing and I enjoy in the interaction. Professionally seems slow but there is improvements. Writing is progressing and yet more satisfied.


  2. I will have to take a look at your book Dahlia, at Amazon. My sister is really struggling right now..she took care of our mother for many years while our mom sank deeper into dementia…


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