EMS/ Diabetes

Well this makes the third time I had my sugars bottom out. I had eaten at noon and then went to the grocery store. Not expecting it and forgetting my blood monitor kit, 2 hours after I ate lunch, my sugar bottomed out inside the store.

I was up at the register line. I grabbed a regular coke bottle and told the girl working there I was not stealing, but my sugars were low. I told her I was going to my car to sit and drink the pop and then I would be back in and run through the register.

Out in my car I drank half of the terrible tasting coke. I waited for about 10 minutes, but I kept feeling worse. I knew I was in trouble. I picked up my cell and dialed 911. When they arrived I believe it had been about 20 minutes total since my bottom out time started.

My sugars were finally back up to 140. I always have those after effects. The tired, shaky feelings that remain. Most times I just want to take a long nap. It so happened that Peggy, a friend of mine saw the EMS and my car and came over.

The EMS techs asked her to stay with me while I paid for my groceries. She did and even followed me home and took my groceries inside for me. I was very thankful and let her know.

My purpose for going to the grocery store was to purchase some food items that I normally don’t. I had bought some bananas, which for me is a no-no in my book. I also did what the EMS techs said to do and bought some ready-made cake frosting.

Once home and my visit was over with Peggy, I called my doctor to let them know what had happened for the third time. They pretty much said I needed to change my diet, but when I asked them what should I change, they told me to look up Diabetes.Org.

I wasn’t real pleased with that answer so I told the nurse my insurance would pay for a diabetic nutritionist and to please make me an appointment. She said she would check with my insurance and contact me tomorrow.

After hanging up with them I did look up the website. There was a phone number and I called. After a lengthy conversation of what I am eating and not they made it very clear I need more carbs in my diet.

All I could think of is no way, I am already too fat. I listened and made my concerns known about weight gain and they talked to me some more about how the balance of food and my medications have to work together. He said if I was concerned about weight gain, he would mail me some information about carbs, diabetes and weight gain.

I told him to please send it. So I gave into his words. I am eating two things I never touch for supper tonight. I am having a grilled chicken on a bun, along with my salad and a half of a banana.

We shall see how my sugars are tonight at bed time. The gentleman on the phone said I could expect my sugars to be up some, but as long as they weren’t over 180 at bedtime, I would be alright, and if they dropped to near 100, to eat a snack. He also said I needed to add 2 snacks on a regular basis, making me eat some type of food every 2 hours.

I am nervous, I don’t want to get any heavier than I am, but I don’t like knowing I could die from my sugars going too low, so for tonight I am trying eating different, more like normal people eat. I will let you know my sugars tonight in tomorrow’s blog


18 thoughts on “EMS/ Diabetes

    • Well I made myself eat more carbs and I have never felt this good since before Al got sick. I hate that I may gain weight, although I am eating exactly how they want to, I am eating carbs now, but I guess it is better to be heavier than dead

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Diabetes is so common those days … everywhere in Western World – have many friends that lives with it … and it’s always a worry for them. One of my best friends has gone in coma on me a couple of times … so it was to spoon feed him with milk and sugar stock, that we always had in the kitchen. He are now married and his wife keep him in line, so it doesn’t happen that often anymore. I understand how difficult it can be to live it. I wish you good luck, Girlfriend.
    I have also passed on a photo challenge to you – you don’t have to join if you don’t feel for it, but you have come so long way .. when it’s about photography and got really a really good eye for details. Here is the link. http://wp.me/p293Pw-b6b


    • i hate having diabetes to be honest. There are days that I want to eat like other people do but I can not. I added the carbs like the association told me to and I do have more energy which is good, but still have to watch all foods. Thanks for the link, I will definitely look into it. Love and hugs my friend


      • I can image that diabetes …. effect your life in more than one way – to watch everything you eat … it limits you way of living, but I also think that it gives you a much healthier life. Haven’t you lost some weight, now when you have think about what you eat?????

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Terry, I am mildly diabetic, but so far don’t have to monitor my sugars daily. That must be very scary, to see the number drop so low. You’ve inspired me to be more careful about my diet.


  3. being diabetic myself i understand how frustrating it can be. interesting to me i sometimes have sugars in the 60’s and just have some juice or piece of candy (i carry all the time) and all is well. of course everyone is different so it is just about impossible to say this works for me so this should work for you.

    i hope that you find the magic formula made just for you my friend. remember stress is a huge factor in sugars and even though you were glad to move again it is still stressful. please take care and do what you need to in order to take care of yourself.

    sending you hugs and love my friend


    • Thanks so much Sandra. I carry regular pop, a couple of cookies, or candy now with me. Instead of waiting until I feel rotten, I am now checking my sugars at the 3 hour mark so I can help myself not bottom out. I have now dropped morning and evening meds by one half pill less. This is helping some. Still get low but not as low. Have an appointment next week with diabetes nutrisionist

      Liked by 1 person

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