Memorial Day; A Day to Remember, a Day to Celebrate

Yesterday, I did my laundry in the morning and then went to visit my parents and Al at the cemetery. It was very quiet all throughout the day. It seemed as if I was being protected from everything else but my memories I relived at the cemetery.

Today, I went to a picnic, cookout at some friend’s home. Friends I had not seen since I returned to Indiana. I was able to visit with some special gals who were once good friends with my brother.

I have to say, that the word normal should be taken out of the dictionary. Normal is what each person thinks is normal to them. For me, being around all types of friends today, hearing the laughter and the singing made me feel about as normal as I could possibly hope to ever be.

Every problem I face each day was laid to rest. My pain was placed on the back burner for a couple of hours. The only thing that reminded me of my health; was my cane. I felt embarrassed because I couldn’t pour my own pop out of the 2 liter bottle, but no one made any jokes about it; in fact, friends helped me with no questions asked and even carried my plate and cup for me to my seat. What better friends could I possibly ask for?

I took plenty of photos. One of my brother yesterday, a Robin I saw perched on a chimney stack, and of course my friends at the cookout today. I hope you enjoy the picture show as much as I enjoyed this weekend.

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