Hulu Series and Halloween Treats

I have gotten in the habit of spending my evenings watching McCleouds Daughters. It’s and eight series show that is on Hulu. I am on the fifth series now. It is about a horse farm and the four women who run it. All sorts of things happen on this show, good and sad things.

I love these farm, horse shows. It not only is good and clean watching, it takes up my evenings. Have you ever seen it? If not, maybe you can start watching it. I also love Heartland. It is pretty similar. I just don’t want these series to end.

Next, I am looking forward to watch the holiday shows and movies.

A question I have for you. I am going to be staying home and passing trick or treats to the kids that live out here. They are having a Halloween walk throughout the complex. With the virus still being active, what is a good treat to hand out that keeps all safe and happy?

Image result for mcleod's daughters cast

Image result for mcleod's daughters cast

Image result for mcleod's daughters cast

Image result for mcleod's daughters cast

McLeod’s Daughters

2001 ‧ Drama ‧ 8 seasons

2 thoughts on “Hulu Series and Halloween Treats

  1. I don’t have Hulu, but I’m glad you have some good shows to watch.

    Halloween Treats: Any chocolate fun sized candy would be great! They also have Rice Krispy Treats in individual sizes with Halloween wrappers at a good cost in the stores.

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