Local Color


Local Color

Imagine we lived in a world that’s all of a sudden devoid of color, but where you’re given the option to have just one object keep its original hue. Which object (and which color) would that be?


I bet you didn’t know that I was color blind did you? I am not bad, just can’t tell my blues and greens apart. Put me in a file of paint color sticks and you have screwed me up good for the day!

Our world is what we make it. If we are down on our luck or mad at the world, all we can vision is black and gray. If we look at the glass of water half-full, we see color. If we see the glass completely filled, we see rainbows of colors.

What if we  had no color. What if something was wrong with our eyes that we saw dull or gray matter all the time. Do you know how we see color?


How the Eye Sees Color


Color originates in light. Sunlight, as we perceive it, is colorless. In reality, a rainbow is testimony to the fact that all the colors of the spectrum are present in white light. As illustrated in the diagram below, light goes from the source (the sun) to the object (the apple), and finally to the detector (the eye and brain).


For me, if I have a choice I will choose BLUE for my color. Why? Because it represents HOPE.

According to Green Lantern, these colors represent these things:

HOPE is something none of us should ever lose sight of. No matter if you are down on your luck, living a life your friends don’t agree with, or feel like you are on top of the world; we should always carry hope for a better world to live in. Hope for peace to once reign again. Hope to find love. Hope to cure illness. Hope, can’t live without it or the color BLUE.



black and gray

Inside The Marble

Glass marbles

Standing inside the glass

Ribbons of color blind me

I place my hands against

Trying to push my way out

But I feel trapped

Each way I look

Is all the same

The same feel

The same touch

The same emotion

Running through my soul

Pressed hard against

With my head leaning in

But I see no way out

No softness calling

To me I will

Remain here

For the rest of

My days waiting

For an exit

To run through.

Terry Shepherd
