Daily Prompt; Silver Linings


http://dailypost.wordpress.com, Daily Prompt, DP


Write about something you consider “ugly” — war, violence,
failure, hatred — but try to find beauty, or a sense of hope, in your


Photographers, artists, poets: show us UGLY.


It creeps up


On you slowly


Giving way


To eerie thoughts


And creepy shadows


Allowing all of the


Strange creatures


Out of their cage


Whispers through


The trees


Making you feel


They are speaking


About you


Cats screaming


Bats howling


Dogs barking




Turns into dull


As day turns


Into night


But yet something


Changes, the cars


Quiet down


Train whistles silenced


Motorcycles  rest


Kids all in their beds


It is just me and myself


A time to come together


To go over what


The day has given


A time to pray


And a time to snack


Wrapped under my sheets


Just my TV and peace.


Terry Shepherd

