The Strangest Summer Ever

I have never been the one who goes on vacation in the summer time. One time I went with a past husband and I ended up getting pregnant. Now that was a vacation that I will never forget, every time I look at my son.

I would love to go somewhere, even for a couple of days but this summer has been the strangest ever. If you cross the state line or if you go into a store; you risk catching the virus. The beaches are open but there are people there. I guess i don’t want to risk getting Corona 19 because I remain home most days.

I see the television ads for places far away and I think, how dreamy that would be and then I start thinking of the money needed to go and the prep work in getting ready to go and by then I am tired.

I imagine my summer trip will be my trip to the Movement Disorder doctor in Indianapolis, which is about three hours from me. I will have a companion with me and most likely get a motel because I have a hard time getting around in the mornings and I would have to leave here by around six-thirty and I don’t do well with that.

I have a porch where I live but the humidity has kept me from sitting on my porch chairs most days. The good thing is, next week we are to be in the seventies. Wow! What great temperatures. I will try sitting out throughout this period.

I will be soon repeating my care giving skills as my friend who had the surgery a couple of weeks ago and for whom I cared for, is having another surgery on the opposite arm. I am okay with it. I like caring for others and I am mentally prepared to as what my duties will be as this is a repeat of the first surgery.

Tomorrow I am going to be able to get out of the house for a while. I am going to be a passenger and get to go two a few places out of town. I will be able to enjoy the ride and probably take a few photos.

Can you believe July is almost over? Our weather has been more like August so I wonder what our next month will be like.

Do you have any plans for the rest of the summer?

Below is a few photos I have taken in our summers in Indiana.

And the Heat Continues

Oh my gosh it is so hot outside. I hate having to run my air conditioning 24/7 but with high humidity and heat, I can’t breathe well enough. I can remember being a kid and nothing bothered me enough to not ride my bike. I don’t remember ever telling my parents it is too hot outside to play. What happens to our bodies as we age that we can’t take the heat?

The virus is on the rise here in Indiana. This is another reason I don’t venture out too much. Why did we believe that as children we better follow the rules but as adults we can choose to ignore rules?

I am not the brightest cookie in the cookie jar but I just don’t understand the ripping down of statues which is our history. Can you explain how this can release our history?