The Timing of God’s Work

I just got home from meeting with Hospice. I was going through my Facebook to see what I may have missed and I stumbled across one of the sites that I frequent. There was a lady who had written a poem for me and I so wanted to share it with anyone who is willing to read it. Here it is:

Each Time
For Terry ShepherdEach time you take a cloth to wipe his face
each time you hold his hand to say grace
each time you feed him bread
each time you change his bed
each time you make him dry
each time a tear escapes from your eye
each time you watch the rise, the fall of his chest
each time you put off your own rest
each time you pray for strength to carry on
each time you sing his favorite song
each time you check his health
each time. . .

you serve the Savior himself.                                                                speak1

It seems perfect timing is what God always does. Nothing too early or too late. I needed to read this poem at this precise moment. Through the visit with Hospice I learned that most likely Al will not be able to rise from bed within a few weeks.

This will in turn cause him to have to drop going to the Day Program. She said that when that point comes he will give up and will himself to die.

I am going to do every single thing in my power, be it medications or any other means I have available to me to make sure he continues to go each and every day until he can no longer take it.

He thrives at Day Program. He is able to have conversations with some one other than his sister. Many times he is in much better humor than here at home. It isn’t that he doesn’t love me. He just needs friendships.

Here at home he is comfortable enough to feel his pains. I can’t keep him occupied enough for him to overlook his illness, although I try.

These weeks and months coming ahead are going to be very trying on my heart and soul. God will never leave me. He will get me through this to the very end. God used Marsha to give me more strength to carry on even through a drab Monday. Thank-you Marsha and thank-you God

Here is Marsha Ault’s link to her Facebook if anyone is interested in getting to know her and her works.