_picture it & write/ Ermilia


open seaIt’s what we all want, isn’t it?

Do we not want life to turn in the direction of our own way of living?

Do we not want the feeling of

Freedom at all times?

To feel the gentle breezes

To see beyond  the horizons

To be in touch with our soft side

No arguing

No fighting

Peace surrounding  us

A wall that can not be broken

Yes, following our heart’s desires

No errors in our plans

The perfect life

The smooth road

No bumps to trip over

Would our lives

Be forever changed

If we didn’t stumble

Now and then?

Peace, serenity

Mixed with a dash of trouble

Helps the mind grow

Inspires us to be

Better people

Living along side

Of vast millions

I long for this

As you do also

We need each other

We want to count

We want to matter

And so I say

Look to the oceans

Take in the beauty

Feel the inner peace

And smile for the

World truly is

On your side

We just have to

Trip a little

To discover it.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd
