Daily Prompt/ The Daily Post

English: Family portrait taken in front of the...


Invent a holiday! Explain how and why everyone should celebrate.

If I could invent a holiday, I would invent one where everyone would benefit. It would be called Be Kind At Home Day. The reason behind this is to help bring families back together again, if for only to show them, what family is all about.

This would be a day when no one would be allowed to walk outside past their property, nor drive to anywhere. You would have to be with your immediate family.

The home would be filled with laughter, and a special time for coming together with problems or discussions, based on the goal that this would draw the family together once again. Children as well as parents would be allowed to participate in the conversation.

The house work would be laid to rest for this one day, except for tidying up, and the aromas that would fill the rooms would be filled from baking together just one recipe. A number of games would be placed on the table, and all would vote on the one that would be played together for one hour.

At meal times, no one would be allowed to escape sitting together as a family, and the meal would be enjoyed by all and plenty of lighthearted conversation. There would also be one hour where each person, excluding small children,(they would be napping) would spend time entirely alone, going into thought about their own goals in their lives, and checking to see if they were heading in the right direction.

The day would be entirely filled up, and by the end of the day, the family would once again know each other, and become closer. Hopefully, some of what was learned or re-learned would be carried into the following weeks and months.

Family is so important. I feel that if you do not have family, you have nothing. I know this is something that has been let slip by the side of the road, with busy schedules, divorces, and work, but we must work very hard these days to keep the communication line open. What is it we call it at work? The open door policy. Let us practice this in our own homes as well.

22 thoughts on “Daily Prompt/ The Daily Post

  1. Its a very nice idea, to spend time with your family. To disconnect from everything but your family. However, there’s just one problem with this that I can see…what if a person has no family? Literally a solo person? They would be excluded from this holiday, no? Like single people on Valentine’s Day? It would be ackward for the family-less.

    They’d have to hurry up and find a surrogate family for the day maybe…..Just a thought….


    • you are right, and i am the one who is alone on Valentines and New Years Eve, and I thought of that, and still thought, only a small minority as in all holidays will b omitted as any other holiday, and more would benefit than not. thanks for commenting, and I am so happy to meet you!!! bring your coffee next time and let’s chat again!!


      • So you know I’m alone on those days also, include Christmas and Thanksgiving. It didn’t used to be that way but it is now….coffee…hum….that’s good for the morning…..I’m kind of looking at the wine bottle right now, do you mind? 😉


      • I have been alone now for five years, so I know how you feel and can connect with the sadness in your words……….I am not here to knock you down at all, I m just here for you as a friend, someone to talk to. I am taking care of a dying brother, so believe me, i know what it is like to be on the outside looking in


  2. Pingback: Children’s Day | a hectic life

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: holiday |

  4. Definitley one of the noble bloggers I was talking about! I was hoping to send the kids away and here you are talking about treasuring times with them. Still, I have to agree that family values often get lost these days and times together as a family are to be treasured. I think I will like following your blog. Might even need to refill the coffee cup and browse some more.


    • your comment definitely placed a smile on this face. life is not easy here caring for my brother who is mildly mentally challenged, a heart patient, and is in the fifth stages of Parkinson’s Disease, so I appreciate smiles and family and good friends. Refill that coffee cup and come back and sit a spell!!!!!!!


  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt ‘Big Bro’ Day « Captured on Film

  6. I think we have something like this in the Philippines. It’s called FaMEALy Day or something like that. I am a very family-oriented person, I feel the same towards keeping the family together at all times.


  7. That is in fact a wonderful idea! Life has become so hectic these days amidst study and work that families actually don’t get the time to be together. So a holiday where families can actually come together and spend quality time together would be just great and peaceful at the same time!


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