Daily Prompt; Pat On The Back

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Tell someone you’re proud of just how proud you are.


Photographers, artists, poets: show us SUCCESS.

I sat here staring at the word proud. I was thinking to what am I proud of. The biggest thing that I don’t take credit in is myself. I am not really proud of anything I do or don’t do. I don’t think it is because I don’t want to be, I don’t know how to be.

When someone gives me a pat on the back I immediately blush, wanting to run and hide. Not sure as to why they are saying these silly words to me. For I have done nothing magnificent in this world.pat

I always think I am not the President, I have not created any brilliant items that can be found on infomercials. I am just me, a caregiver. There is so much more glamor out in the world to be patted for.

Very often I hear words from WP bloggers stating what a good job I do with my brother. I appreciate these kind words, but can always feel my cheeks turning red.

I love my brother, this is why I take good care of him. Also God has allowed me to do this for Al. He has arranged my life so that I am able to. He has provided every single thing I could possibly need to be here for Al.HPIM0378

I always feel if I have a roof over my head, food on the table I am alright. If my bills are paid and Al has what he needs; what else can I possibly need.

Wants and desires are a whole different angle to look at. I desire and want plenty. Just like anyone else. Some days I am blessed with a gift, a surprise straight from God. Some of those desires become reality.

So in the end, I will let you continue to give the pats on the backs. I will continue to feel honored to have so many wonderful friends and supporters on Facebook and WordPress.

I only do what I know how because I love you Al and I love my friends.



12 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; Pat On The Back

  1. I don’t think you need glamour or some brilliant or public achievements to succeed in what really matters, and that’s love. You are doing a magnificent job with Al, and God will bless you for that, I’m sure. Maybe you’re not proud of it but I am! And don’t blush, please.


    • I am proud of what I do in taking care of my brother, but I don’t deserve any pats on the back for it. I do it because I love him……………..I can’t help blushing, it is just in me, lol
      Thanks for a great comment Olga!


  2. What a wonderful testament to your love for Al that he has a sister who loves him so much that she sacrifices herself to take care of him. There are many ill and dying people who suffer and die alone because their families didn’t want to be bothered, or else they had no families at all. You’re doing a great job, Terry, both because of your devotion and love for Al and because you have made the choice with God’s help to be a good person.


  3. I know long that you have such love for your brother from what you are telling us. In my eyes you acn be proud of yourself, for what you are doing. Not many people have such love and do such wonderful things because of it. So accept the compliment and don’t blush. You are a great person, love makes you that way! Big lovey hugs!


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