Rice In His Hair?

Rice and veg served with mixed pickles

It’s been a busy day. Getting Al up and fed. Next washed up and dressed. Teeth brushed, bed changed. Then it was time to take him down the ramp to catch the bus. Now this is when I have decided to take my own medications and eat breakfast. Through the week this works out pretty good. Nine a.m. is not a bad time for me. On the weekends I am a little off considering we both sneak in some extra sleep.

I then do the morning dishes, and laundry if need be. I clean what needs to be clean. Then I get online for my free time. Today at 1:30 I had another appointment with the business that I am working for taking care of Al.

I knew this appointment would go on forever and I was right. She and I do so much chatting it takes forever to get through all the paper work. She left at 4:45, just 15 minutes before Al pulled up in his bus.

She and I apologized to each other for being such talk-aholics  when she left, but we were both laughing realizing that we had a great time.

I didn’t get my nap today so I am a little extra tired tonight. I don’t think I need a nap only because of Al, I think I am just getting older.

Al pulled up and I went and got him off the bus and took him back up the ramp. We ate left-overs tonight as I really didn’t have time to cook a real meal. Tomorrow for supper we are having spaghetti. I will cut his up pretty well and hope for the best.

This is a test meal, I shall observe how well he handles this type of food. Will he be able to eat it with his silver ware or use his fingers or will it be too slippery. Time will tell. We are really picky here about the foods that we eat. Al has to  have everything just right or he will choke.

The cat, Rhino has been acting so weird tonight. He keeps going into Al’s bedroom and meowing at him and Al said last night Rhino jumped up on his bed and sat next to him. Tonight Rhino goes in and looks at Al. Then he rubs up against the wall meowing. Then finally he lays up against the wall and stares at Al. I don’t know what he is all about tonight.

I am now officially on the payroll for caring for Al. I just still find it such a down right miracle from God, I am almost speechless. Only God could have put this plan together. They hold back a week which I think is normal and so my first check will be in a week and a half. It will be for today through Saturday night at midnight. I think I get paid ever week. My very own check, wow.

Well, it is time to change Al’s brief and get him into bed. Now I can say this has been a busy, nice day. Al did pretty well tonight. I have to add one more thing. The flies are bad here out in the country. We had rice along with our supper tonight. Flies would land on Al’s neck or face, and I was trying to keep them off of him with my hand. But when I wasn’t quick enough Al would try catching them with his fingers, and of course he ate his rice with his fingers.

If I could have gotten by with it and not embarrassed Al I would have snapped a photo. Not only was rice all over the floor. It was on his fingers, on his glasses, in his hair, and on his neck.

I knew I was going to have to clean this all up and the floor but I had to laugh. He looked so cute trying to swat those flies and the rice just added an extra little touch. So this day is over and I made a few dollars. Al did good and all is well at our little house.

Daily Prompt; Earworm

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INSPIRATION.

It seems that this was the prompt just a short few weeks ago, but hey, what do I know. And maybe it was so good that DP decided to try it again. Or maybe I am supposed to learn something the second time ago.

This week I have been sitting in my rocker going bonkers on what I do wrong. I blame it on so many things. Not possibly believing that it could be me. It had to be some other reason that I knocked the sugar shaker off the stove. That just when Al wanted to be cleaned up from the supper table, I was scraping and scooping sugar before it ran too far down the crack between the stove and cupboard.

Looking over at Al and seeing the shit-eating grin on his face as I am cleaning up. I think that smile represented, nice to know I am not the only one who screws up. Alright Al, I will give you kudos on that thought.

Or how about the incident in the shower with Al and his walking steps. Me getting all paranoid wondering what that shower girl may be thinking. Alright, I will admit it. My mind can roam free as if living with the prairie dogs.prairie dogs

Why in the world did I become frightened? Crap happens right? Turds are dropped in our lap when we least expect it. We just wipe off and flush the crap and start over. Isn’t that what you all told me to do basically?toilet

Just a sentence or two out of a stranger’s mouth can leave a nasty taste in  our mouths.

I clung to the fact that if Al fell by accident again, I may lose him for being an unfit sister. I let it rule my roost and I ended up crowing like a big fat rooster first thing in the morning. I sounded ridiculous, I must admit, and I was over-reacting.rooster

What I am doing is digesting all of the comments that were left to me. I am beginning to realize that I can never be a perfect anything, let alone a perfect sister. I know without a doubt I love my brother and he loves me. I know that I do the best to make sure he is as comfortable and happy as possible.

I now know that everything that happened was only because it was a Monday.



Garfield: Yeah, my loyal and fragrant subjects. Please, thank you.
  Briefly, I hate Mondays. I hate em. Therefore I decree, from this
  day forward, there will be no more Mondays.