O Happy Day

Oh happy day, it is Monday. Freedom, I get out of the house. Now don’t think I am a nut case, but being in the house for 48 hours with no fresh air, I feel like a baby chick bursting out of my shell.

Even Al woke up with a smile this morning. It sort of…

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O Happy Day

Oh happy day, it is Monday. Freedom, I get out of the house. Now don’t think I am a nut case, but being in the house for 48 hours with no fresh air, I feel like a baby chick bursting out of my shell.

Even Al woke up with a smile this morning. It sort of rubs me the wrong way because he doesn’t smile for me usually, and I am the one who works so hard to get one smile. I can understand on the other hand though. Hey, he gets a way from me for a while. Although he ask to be in his bed, he breaks apart from it too.

My Christmas tree took a dump on me. The lights have trickled out over the weekend until I have one little place lit, so off to Wal-Mart for new lights.

So as I say Oh happy day!

Old Man Winter I Am Hibernating

white-trees-2.jpgThe weather today

Is full of leaves

Crunching as

Feet walk through them

The ground covered

With wetness

The air filled with musty

All is cozy inside

Without seeing

Or recognizing

The signs of

Old man winter

Is sneaking upon us

The weatherman

Just posted a

Notice to me

Starting Monday

Night a chance of

Six inches plus

Of that white stuff

You know it is called


Get your shelves

Stocked on toilet paper

And milk, get diapers

And bread, for winter

Has decided whether

I like it or not

To pay me a visit

Wait, what is that?

You want me to come

Back and visit?

I’m sorry friends

I must go for my

Bed covers are

Calling to come

Hibernate until Spring.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Daily Prompt; Unplugged


Sometimes, we all need a break from these little glowing boxes. How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us UNPLUGGED.SONY DSC

Unplugging from anything is not easy, usually. But then there is a moment, a slice of time, when I am sitting here at the computer and I look at the screen. Nothing, that’s what I get. I have the whole internet to look at, gaze through, reading, learning, and I get nothing.

It is then that I start the ball of wax rolling.wax I start thinking, which can be a dangerous thing for me. I ask myself questions. When is the last time you swept your room?

When is the last time you made a special dessert for Al?Desserts-lg When is the last time I enjoyed being outdoors other than running to see Al’s nurse, or maybe taking the trash to the dumpsters?

Then I feel bad and I can understand why my rear end feels so flat lately. I realize I need a break. I never run out of things to talk about with all my friends on here. I never get tired of reading your wonderful comments, but hey, let’s face it. Even best friends need a break from each other at times; even if it’s for a very short time.


So let me rise

Get off my rear

I need to get moving

Gotta get out of here

Step outside

Sniff the air

Watch the leaves

trees starting to change

trees starting to change

Falling every where

Enjoy today

For all it brings

Take in new air

And sing, sing, sing!

Aww, I feel better. I have a new outlook on life. I have new ideas. I saw that bug over there. I saw that leaf in color. The neighbor waved hello. The earth is moving and I was the one standing still. Now, I can go back and write about new things.

Daily Prompt; Are You Being Served?

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/daily-prompt-service/, DP, Daily Prompt

What’s the most dreadful (or wonderful) experience you’ve ever had as a customer?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SERVICE.

I live in the state of Indiana.Indiana-Dunes-Park-Map I live fairly close to this area on the map. Cold, and big snow belt area in the winter. Hot and humid in the summer. I hate cold and the older I get it hurts my Diabetic feet more and more. And my joints, let’s not even go in that area. It would be a whole other post.

My brother and I, after the last of our parents passed needed a break. So we moved to the sunshine state.florida I spent many days here shopping for antiques and unique items. It is a beautiful areas, Sarasota, Florida, but the heat in the summer, oh what a beast. If Al and I didn’t have our errands and running around through the week days by 10am, it was put off until the next day. We moved back to Indiana because Al became ill with M.S.A. I also missed my children and had some issues that I could not fix with outer family members.

When we came back I had to once again get my driver’s license.driver license Al and I went on a sunny, fall day. I had my birth certificate, my social security card and my Florida license with me. We walked into familiar territory. I told the lady what I was here for and she took my information from me. After studying and I think memorizing, lol, she handed it back and said she needed more information.

Let’s see, if I remember right, she needed  mail that showed my new address.mail She also required both of my marriage certificates, divorce certificates,divorce and of course auto insurance papers.

I wasn’t happy as Al and I had many things to do with just moving back, but I smiled and we left for home for the hunt of paper work.

I had to go to another county in order to get some of my needed papers. Was the license branch going to reimburse me for my gas?

It took a day to get it all together and we went back once again to get the license. This time I had done what I had previously and gave her all my paper work. I also gave her the numbers to my auto insurance policy.

She handed it back to me. She told me she had to see the complete policy. I was snorting by then. I was looking back at Al sitting on the benches and he was getting stressed because he saw I was.

This lady wasn’t one of the few who smile at this office. I can say this because this county is known for the least smiling representatives.

I stormed out to my car and brought in the paper work I keep tucked in my glove box, you know, just in case I would ever get stopped by the police. I handed it to her and I couldn’t help but ask, ” Why in the world do you need my life history? This is insane? What does my marriage and divorces have to do with getting my license?”

She looked up at me and actually smiled like the cat who caught the mouse. ” Because my dear, this state wants to verify that you are not an alien.”alien

I started laughing and I commented, ” Look at my ears. See my eyes bugging out?”

She and I both laughed and she said so matter of fact. ” Sorry honey, it’s not my rules, it’s the States”

Al and I walked out after my encounter with the outer space quarters with my new driver’s license in hand.

A Sister’s Thoughts

The night is closing in

I  breathe we made it through

Although the bed was his best friend

I give praise in all you do

Not much speaking

Not many tears

I sense a lot of thinking

About the past years.

I wish that I could get inside

And see the thought process

But it is private for him to know

And time for me to  regress

Only you God have the answers

Only you know the perfect time

My wish is for another day

Is my asking so out of line?

I will go now and say goodnight

I will make him nice and dry

I will hold his hand and tell him

I love him with a small tear in my eye.

Written by

Terry Shepherd
