Old Man Winter I Am Hibernating

white-trees-2.jpgThe weather today

Is full of leaves

Crunching as

Feet walk through them

The ground covered

With wetness

The air filled with musty

All is cozy inside

Without seeing

Or recognizing

The signs of

Old man winter

Is sneaking upon us

The weatherman

Just posted a

Notice to me

Starting Monday

Night a chance of

Six inches plus

Of that white stuff

You know it is called


Get your shelves

Stocked on toilet paper

And milk, get diapers

And bread, for winter

Has decided whether

I like it or not

To pay me a visit

Wait, what is that?

You want me to come

Back and visit?

I’m sorry friends

I must go for my

Bed covers are

Calling to come

Hibernate until Spring.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd
