What We Will Eat at Christmas, Plum Pudding

I was reading an advertisement in my email and it was talking about Plum Pudding. Now when I think of plum pudding I think of the children’s story and Christmas. But I really didn’t know what it was.

I looked it up online and I don’t think I would care for it. It sounds like Dried Fruitcake. It can also set for up to a year and never spoil.

I found it interesting on where it started from and how it is made, so I thought I would share it with you.

plum pudding

Many households have their own recipe for Christmas pudding, some handed down through families for generations. Essentially the recipe brings together what traditionally were expensive or luxurious ingredients — notably the sweet spices that are so important in developing its distinctive rich aroma, and usually made with suet. It is very dark in appearance — effectively black — as a result of the dark sugars and black treacle in most recipes, and its long cooking time. The mixture can be moistened with the juice of citrus fruits, brandy and other alcohol (some recipes call for dark beers such as mild, stout or porter).

Christmas puddings are often dried out on hooks for weeks prior to serving in order to enhance the flavour. This pudding has been prepared with a traditional cloth rather than a basin.

Prior to the 19th century, the English Christmas pudding was boiled in a pudding cloth, and often represented as round.[1] The new Victorian era fashion involved putting the batter into a basin and then steaming it, followed by unwrapping the pudding, placing it on a platter, and decorating the top with a sprig of holly.[1]

Initial cooking usually involves steaming for many hours. To serve, the pudding is reheated by steaming once more, and dressed with warm brandy which is set alight.[3] It can be eaten with hard sauce, brandy butter, rum butter, cream, lemon cream, custard, or sweetened béchamel, and is sometimes sprinkled with caster sugar.

So there you have it friends. A traditional treat for Christmas season. Now it is up to you whether you want to try to make it or even eat it.

15 thoughts on “What We Will Eat at Christmas, Plum Pudding

  1. Many years ago I made a plum pudding but it didn’t require that much cooking time. It did contain suet, though. But the problem was that everyone, after so much turkey and veggies, was too full to eat it! All that work for nothing. I said I would never make it again – and I haven’t.


      • Terry, I don’t have any really favorite dish .. expect “brown cabbage” and lutfisk – and that is one of the dishes you wouldn’t like. *smile You have to be a true Swede to like that. Maybe I should do a post about it.


      • I like fried or boiled cabbage, is it anything like that? I would be interested to read your post about the lutfisk. What it is and the texture and taste!!!


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