Information About My Brother

Today is very hard for me. It seems to get harder the longer the day goes on. I keep wanting to go check on him, or turn him on his side, or change the TV, but I can not.

His funeral is this coming Thursday. Visitation is between the hours of 9-12am. The funeral begins immediately from noon.

To tell you the truth I don’t know if this is something I should be doing or not doing, but I feel so close to so many of you, I am holding each of your hands next to my heart.

Here is the information of where he will be in case any of you are wondering.



Redpath-Fruth Funeral Home

225 Argonne Rd, Warsaw, IN 46580
  • Cross Streets: Between E Jefferson St and E Market St
(574) 268-0225

87 thoughts on “Information About My Brother

  1. I will be there with you in your heart my sweet. Unfortunately being in the UK I can’t be there with you and your family. I will pay my respects by holding you close in my prayers x


  2. My dear Terry ….. I didn’t know he’d passed!! My heart goes out to you!! You will feel that void for some time. My thoughts and prayers with you. ❤️❤️


  3. Terry, I just now saw about Al and know you are in a very conflicted emotional time today. No one could have had a finer sister and caretaker. Be kind to yourself when you can. I will be thinking of you this week and hope that you can see a light at the end of a very long dark tunnel.


  4. Terry, I did not know…I am so sorry, and my heart goes out to you….I am praying that you will get through this week…it will be a long time before you feel normal again…but believe me you will and Al will be looking down at you and smiling and saying…”she is my sister, my Angel that deserves whatever she may want” Oh Terry…you are in my heart and prayers, and Al is right where he should be….no pain, no suffering, and it is a beautiful ending for all….

    Bless you Terry…
    Thinking of you,


  5. a bit too far for me to drive from the mountains, but my prayers will be with you and all who you hold close. i’m actually off work thursday so i will be spending more time in prayer while the funeral is going on. blessings.


  6. One day at a time Terry, it will get a little easier with each passing sunset…though I will admit, the impulse to carry on as a caregiver seems to never come to an end. Channel that energy and start taking better care of yourself now… you deserve to be healthy and happy.

    Al will always be with you, in spirit he’ll be filling your heart with warm and everlasting reminders of the good times you and he shared before he was ever stricken with illness. Sweet memories leading you back to those peaceful moments in your mind so you can smile and enjoy your life again. He’s being well looked after, he’s content, and he knows he has a job to do.

    Just keep reminding yourself, over and again, Al is no longer in pain or feeling the humiliation of being helpless and so reliant on others. He’s free now, soaring like an eagle… and soon enough you will feel that brisk wind beneath his open wings.

    (( hugs ))

    ~Dianne Cogar


  7. I will be with you in spirit and send you my condolences thoughts and prayers. Al is no longer suffering and you will eventually find comfort in good memories of your years together


  8. Pingback: RIP Al | sharing me myself and i

  9. As I read each expression of sympathy… I know you will withstand this time of sorrow…It will definitely take a while…but, knowing how Al was loved by complete strangers…must tell you how much he is being loved in Heaven…So wish I could come to your side…but, unable to at this time…You have an open invitation to come visit …if you ever make it to Louisville!…love, mkg


  10. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I’m a little too far to come and visit you in person (I’m in Detroit), but my thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray that you will find peace and healing. *hugs*


  11. While I know I’ve been away…I’m never that far….I’m always here with and for you…






    Anything you need, please let me know. I’m not going anywhere.


  12. there are no words that i can say right now, so i’ll just place my hands over yours and we’ll wait together for the morning to come, for long is the night of grief but sure will come the morning xx


  13. What beautiful comments to you dear friend…I hope it brings you comfort and lots of strength knowing we all hold you close to our hearts. Just take one day at a time, one breath at a time, and one tear at a time. The other day I read, “I will turn their mourning into joy And will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow.” from Jeremiah 31:13, it has taken me nearly a year to experience that joy again, rest now in knowing that one day when you are ready, God will also restore your joy from the deep pain of sorrow you are now experiencing.


    • Dear Terry,i am so sorry to hear about Al.I feel so far away and helpless.Al fought so hard against this evil thing.No disease attacks us in so many different ways at the same time. AL was a hero of mine by the way he fought this despicable beast.Iwill do the same.Iknow he will leave a big gap inyour life ,but you must make time for your own recovery now.You fought for and alongside your brother all through and never flinched or hesitated in any way to care andnurse Al.You made sure Al was comfortable as possible and made sure his dignity was not lost at all. You should be very proud of yourself for the way you cared loved and nursed your brother no one could have done any more.Al will be looking down on you forever so proud of his sister. his pain and suffering are over and he is at peace which believe me is a blessing.I will remember Al and yourself for as long as this disease allows me to.I hope i may meet AL in the future and talk of you and my wife who cares for me so much. We think of you and Al all the time and of how wonderful you are. Our hearts and love are with you always.May your God always love you bless you and take care of you and keep you safe in his arms. Michael


      • Its been nearly a year for me and the void is still there – each day will bring strength. Remember I am here for you – as many others are. I kept you lifted up to God in prayer today. {hugs}


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