My Brother

Things are no better this evening than they were earlier. Well, I guess a couple of things have lessened. He is no longer crying and this is good. He is still restless. Now he moans constantly. Have any of you ever had this happen with a loved one at the end?

I can’t tell you what kind of moan it is. It could be a moan to God. It may be a moan of dispair. It sounds terrible and what is the worst for me is I can’t make out a word he is saying.

I have gone in so many times when I hear him to only walk out knowing for sure that I have used every technique taught to me throughout the years, and have given him all of his medications.

He ate about three bites of his baby fruit and had two syringe fulls of water. He is dry. He hasn’t done any messy stuff on his bed pad. I just don’t know what else I can do to be quite honest.

His moans make me feel like he is begging someone for something. So I have stopped going in his room every time I hear him because I come out frustrated and he is the same not getting me to understand what he is saying.

Hospice did tell me today with his oxygen being so low he may be getting a little confused. I don’t know, maybe this is some of it. I pray that Al and I get some sleep tonight, because I am just plain dead tired.



Prayer Request, Let’s All Pray the Same Prayer

Prayer Request, Let’s All Pray the Same Prayer

I don’t have much time to be on here today as I have no help. I do want to ask for prayer. All prayers to be the same. To release Al of his strong will. To take a way his fear. The nurse had to come today because Al is almost unbearable.

He is terribly grouchy. He knows without a doubt he is dying and his mind won’t settle. He is bossy and stuttering so bad that me or the nurse can not understand…

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Prayer Request, Let’s All Pray the Same Prayer

I don’t have much time to be on here today as I have no help. I do want to ask for prayer. All prayers to be the same. To release Al of his strong will. To take a way his fear. The nurse had to come today because Al is almost unbearable.

He is terribly grouchy. He knows without a doubt he is dying and his mind won’t settle. He is bossy and stuttering so bad that me or the nurse can not understand him. He even call me a bitch, which was a rare word I don’t hear from his mouth. He has cried hard, and fought hard.  We don’t believe he is in terrible pain but refusing to let go. He always has been a strong-willed brother and he is definitely showing it right now.

Hospice says his oxygen is as low as yesterday and he is actively dying, so please pray for my special request. Let us all join hands and hearts for who ever reads my post today. Thank-you and bless you. Terry, Al’s sister.




angel child

Healthy Turkey Meat Loaf

Healthy Turkey Meat Loaf

turkey meat loaf



Servings: 4-5 Servings
Difficulty: Easy


½ medium head cauliflower, cut into small florets
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 ½ teaspoon canola oil
1 small chopped onion
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 ½ pounds 85 % lean ground turkey
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
¼ cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese


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