Daily Prompt; Three Coins in a Fountain

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Have you ever tossed a coin or two into a fountain and made a wish? Did it come true?

I look back at the times when I have done this. Even today, I enjoy watching little kids toss coins in the fountains.coins

I am sure I was the same way as far as my thoughts as kids are today. We wish for that new toy we saw on TV.

We wish that Grandma will let us spend the  night. Or maybe we wish for that new puppy or kitty.

Then we grow up a little. We begin to toss the coins in the fountain for bigger and better wishes. We may wish for that prince to come riding up on the white horse and whisk us off to a happy ever after life.knight

Or maybe we are living disappointment and we wish for things to be better in our lives.

Then we come to the age that I am now. A so-called senior citizen. I am sure many of you can not relate to this age group, but hey, your time is coming. What will you wish for when you reach that point?

For me, I wish for health, good health that will allow me to still remain able to care for myself without becoming a burden to my children. I wish for an outer peace as much as I wish for inner peace.soul 2 I wish that my children think enough of me today as much as they did when they were tots.

If I was standing in front of that gorgeous fountain right now, I would pull a few golden coins out of my pockets.

I would go back to my childhood when life was easy and carefree. Laughter came easily and I would toss each coin once again, wishing to one more time ride the scrambler at the fair. I would wish for one day to look like Twiggy. I would wish for 24 hours with no sadness, and no cares. My last coin would be tossed and I would wish for the happily ever after ending as promised when I was a child. Just one more time.fairyland

Sunday Photo Fiction; March !6th, 2014



ice waterVeins cold as ice

Heart made of steel

Nails withered and blue

Hair tousled and mussed

Blood thin as water

Skin tough and worn

These are the effects

Of a heart once alive

A soul now broken.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Stressed, That’s What I Am

Stressed, That’s What I Am

Yesterday Al slept most of the day. It was pretty busy though. People drifting in and out. Me trying to run to the grocery store. A smell of fresh air and the oldies tunes beating on my radio.

Today, it is entirely different. Al is talking about people I don’t know. He doesn’t know the caregiver’s name. My friend came here late afternoon yesterday and he didn’t know who she was either.

Today, he…

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Stressed, That’s What I Am

Yesterday Al slept most of the day. It was pretty busy though. People drifting in and out. Me trying to run to the grocery store. A smell of fresh air and the oldies tunes beating on my radio.

Today, it is entirely different. Al is talking about people I don’t know. He doesn’t know the caregiver’s name. My friend came here late afternoon yesterday and he didn’t know who she was either.

Today, he is awake and confused. He is laying in his bed saying, ” Please, please, please”. He is talking about someone named Tiffany. I am not familiar with this person. He has asked for the basketball game to be on. I put it on. He wants it changed. He wants the lights and TV off.

I can barely deal with this today and I am looking so forward to Monday morning. I used to feel sadness or guilt when I thought of him leaving, but today, I have to admit him and I having a break from each other for a few days could do him, and me possibly wonders. I think I will run a way, just like this horse, gallop into the winds!!
