A Quick Day

Today was a quick day. I got up and changed sheets on my bed. I swept and mopped floors and did a couple of loads of laundry. I decided to take a break and get online but about the time I did my phone rang.

It was a call that I had been keeping my hopes up for and it came. This in turn took away my break and I had to get dressed and leave. I spent the better part of the next three hours getting tests done. I didn’t expect all the extras in my time frame so my sugars dropped.

Thankfully it was carry- in day at the office I was at so they gave me a nice piece of apple/nut cake. It sure was good. It brought my sugars back up and I was able to drive to home where food was waiting to be fixed.

Have you ever been married and then divorced and ended up being better friends apart? This is what happened to my ex and I.  I hadn’t seen him for about three years. He now lives less than two hours away. He let me know he was coming by if I wasn’t busy.

When he arrived he took me out to supper. We visited and talked about old days. He helped me with a couple of odd jobs here that I had been struggling with. I can actually say it was nicer visiting than being married to him.

He says he will stop by again soon, and I agreed to this. No, no plans, no way, no relationship other than friendship. It just wouldn’t work. I had to add that part because I know a few of you are thinking ahead, so I had to take care of those wandering thoughts.

Tomorrow morning at 11 is my appointment with Humana. Still keep those fingers crossed that all goes well. I think if I heard right my daughter is going to play hair stylist with me tomorrow sometime also.

Now it is quiet again. I enjoy my quiet time; but I sure do enjoy having friends and family visits too. It isn’t good for the soul to be too alone too often, or at least this is the way I feel.

One thing I found today here at home was the flag that Al Forbes bought for my brother. It brought a few tears but not too many. I rather remembered better thoughts about Al than the sad ones of sickness.

I still have my times where I can cry and cry, but someone once told me here in blogger world that as time moves by, the good memories will replace the tears. I can see this happening a little at a time.

Although I still don’t know anyone around here except my family, I don’t see the wheelchair, Hospice, and all the sickness in my new place. It is easier now to bury the suffering he and I went through.

I shared conversation with my ex about Al and I noticed I was chatting about all the good times and very little about the sad times. This is a good feeling to me. He and I had very many difficult moments where we butted heads. With the illness on top, life seemed almost unbearable, but now it seems worth living again.


Life is what we make it

It can be good or full of shit

Fog slows us down

Sadness drags us to the ground

But then the sun rays show

That forward we must go

Thinking becomes more clear

But the love I will always hold dear

I wouldn’t change a thing today

About Al and his MSA

We shared many good days

And I put to rest the dark rays

Now when I say my brother’s name

I don’t play so much the game

Of tears and sleeping away

I can see it is a bright new day.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd



Thoughts For Today

It was so hot and muggy last night. Our temperatures the last couple of days was almost 100. When I woke up this morning I was cold. I turned off the fan and got dressed. The big rains we had over night cooled it down.

Right now it is 68. I was watching the  news and saw that this coming weekend we will be lucky to have a high of 60 degrees. 60? isn’t that a little bit fall-like? I guess with September being here we will see a roller coaster of temperatures.

Summer will fight to remain while the chill of fall pushes its way in. Time to put those bikinis away ladies. Schools have started all around here. Fog hovers in the early mornings.

Thoughts change from picnic foods to warm soups and heartier foods. One of my favorite soups that I could eat all year round is chili. I just love it. What is your favorite soup?

I saw on Hallmark station yesterday the commercial for the Christmas movies. I was blown away. Christmas, already? who is thinking about Christmas? The station reported the movies will start at the end of October. Wow, has it been almost a year since I put that big tree away?

With Al not being here and moving farther away I know I won’t have family at my home for the holidays. My son wanted a big tree so I gave it to him this week. I know the kids will love waking up on Christmas morning seeing the twinkling lights and the goodies under the tree.

Last year Christmas was so sad. Al was still with me but he didn’t realize it was Christmas Day. He slept through most of it. This coming Christmas will be sad but different.

I plan on hitching a ride with my daughter when they come up to visit for their Christmas with her husband. I will spend the day with my kids. It will be nice but there will be that familiar void I have been feeling as of late without my family being there.

Can you imagine what Christmas is like in heaven? Oh my, the mind can not even take in how grand it will be. Do you think Al will be smiling? I do and he will be spending the holidays with our family.

Well, I got invited for breakfast this morning. I think I best get dressed and look presentable. I am going to go visit my oldest son later today, so today is full. I hope all of you have a nice weekend. Smiles and God bless.


Tunnel Vision, The Daily Post


You’ve been given the ability to build a magical tunnel that will quickly and secretly connect your home with the location of your choice — anywhere on Earth. Where’s the other end of your tunnel?




A house at the edge of the block

Covered by bushes and trees

A scary place to walk by at night

Can make you feel so ill at ease


And  inside lives an old woman alone

Who  cares  less about the outside view

She’s heard all the scandals and stories told

She smiles, because she always knew


That she is the only one who has

A secret place given only to her

A tunnel which brings her life  alive

Which she sees clear, not even a blur


When she feels cast out from the world

She only need walk through that door

She lets the light guide her way

To there and here for  never more


And waiting for her to say hello

With smiling faces of delight

Is all her family passed from here

And everything is finally alright.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd

(Terry’s Thoughts in Poetry) Facebook



No Apologies


What’s the one guilty pleasure you have that’s so good, you no longer feel guilty about it?

hellohershey 2hershey 3hersheyI am a diabetic. I have been for over 30 years. Do you have any idea what it is like to be told, NO, DON’T EAT SWEETS, NO, NO, NO!

Well I do and I can tell you first hand it isn’t any fun hearing it today all these years later. Holidays and celebrations are the worst. How…

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No Apologies


What’s the one guilty pleasure you have that’s so good, you no longer feel guilty about it?

hellohershey 2hershey 3hersheyI am a diabetic. I have been for over 30 years. Do you have any idea what it is like to be told, NO, DON’T EAT SWEETS, NO, NO, NO!

Well I do and I can tell you first hand it isn’t any fun hearing it today all these years later. Holidays and celebrations are the worst. How many people bring healthy salads and fish to gatherings? Some, but not many. Having fun and eating go together and eating foods that aren’t healthy are usually a part of this.

I have fought this in many ways. I tried not buying sweets period at the grocery store so I won’t be tempted. I have went the sugar-free types, but they are usually so much sweeter, I just want more. Also you take the risk of cancers from sugar substitutes.

Finally I gave in. I buy those ten packs of Hershey bars, the little ones? For three of them it is under my carb and sugar limit. So I am much better during the day hours knowing at bedtime I get this snack.

Mouth watering melting chocolate in my mouth. All mine, no sharing, no interruptions. I can see how long I can keep the chocolate in my mouth before having to swallow. I can hold it in my mouth and pretend I am on a sandy beach with a gentle breeze blowing through my hair. I can imagine being on an awesome date and looking into his eyes.

All this just from putting one piece of chocolate in my mouth? You bet, there isn’t anything better than chocolate as a treat. Now as far as the holidays goes? I do sample desserts by placing one bite size on my plate. I didn’t go without, right? I didn’t feel deprived and it was a one time deal.

I Can’t Stay Mad at You

I Can’t Stay Mad at You

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Do you hold grudges or do you believe in forgive and forget?

What’s the point

Of holding on

To something wicked

And vile and strong

Does it give you

Peace of mind

Does it bring you

Farther along?

Sure it hurts

It always does

When you say or

Do something wrong

Spitting words

And causing scenes

Isn’t really cool

And not my thing

I’d rather tell you

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I Can’t Stay Mad at You

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Do you hold grudges or do you believe in forgive and forget?


What’s the point

Of holding on

To something wicked

And vile and strong

Does it give you

Peace of mind

Does it bring you

Farther along?

Sure it hurts

It always does

When you say or

Do something wrong

Spitting words

And causing scenes

Isn’t really cool

And not my thing

I’d rather tell you

How it made me feel

And try to get past

Before we spew

I could get mad

And go that route

But I just don’t see

Us being apart

So why bother getting mad

Let’s say we’re sorry

And not lose what we have.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd



Take A Chance On Me

Take A Chance On Me

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP,

What’s the biggest chance you ever took? Did it work out? Do tell!

What’s the biggest chance I remember taking? I guess the answer would be myself.

Growing up with parents who loved me but I couldn’t hear or see it until I was grown myself didn’t help me to soar through life.

Being in a marriage that didn’t end happily ever after fed fuel to the fire of no…

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Take A Chance On Me

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP,

What’s the biggest chance you ever took? Did it work out? Do tell!

What’s the biggest chance I remember taking? I guess the answer would be myself.

Growing up with parents who loved me but I couldn’t hear or see it until I was grown myself didn’t help me to soar through life.

Being in a marriage that didn’t end happily ever after fed fuel to the fire of no confidence. Add to this bowl of life being over-weight and considered chubby plus just an ordinary kid equaled low on the totem pole for me.totem pole

The jobs I mainly have held have been inside people’s homes or right here at my own home. This didn’t give me much to go on with building new relationships. It also allowed me to stay sort of hidden from view.

Through learning so much about health and medicine, I dug into books and googling. People started asking questions. I wrote my first book and published it, called Dahlia.

I started coming out of my inner shell and began to look closely at myself in the mirror. I really didn’t see anything spectacular but I did see eyes that showed I was a caring person.

I decided to take a chance on me and let others know I was eager to teach and show what I had learned throughout my years. Now I have friends once again. I meet many strangers that turn into friends quickly.

I get up and get dressed. I thank God for making me who I am daily. I splash some make-up on and I try to live each day the best way I can. I cry and I smile for what Al has given to me and I always tell him I love him at least once a day by looking up into the heavens.

I think I had to live and experience the sad times of health with Al in order to start to become and do what God put me here for. I don’t know what will happen but I do think I am worth taking a chance on.

Daily Prompt; Three Coins in a Fountain

Daily Prompt; Three Coins in a Fountain

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Have you ever tossed a coin or two into a fountain and made a wish? Did it come true?

I look back at the times when I have done this. Even today, I enjoy watching little kids toss coins in the fountains.coins

I am sure I was the same way as far as my thoughts as kids are today. We wish for that new toy we saw on TV.

We wish that Grandma will let us…

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