Pantster Poet

A friend  of  mine  and I  were chatting  today  about  our poetry we both  write. She told  me I was  a Panster, poet. I thought  it was a joke comment  or something  bad, so I  asked  her  what  it meant .  She explained  and when  our chat was  over, I  looked  the  word up. The dictionary  said it means, someone  who writes  with  no plan or thought. Well  that’s  definitely  me most of  the  time. I  will  pull a word out of the air, type  it and see where it goes. Here, I  will  do it right now. The first  word will be,,,,why.

Why do you  call out to me
I hear  the echoes  deep in the sea
I float to surface  to see who’s  there 
But  I  don’t  see you anywhere 
I am now your memories  from your  past
They float within me so they last 
Don’t  keep calling  out my name my dear
For  I am standing  by you, very  near.

Written  by,
Terry  Shepherd 
January  2016


Poetry Contest

angel contestThe cover photo on this page is a picture of a sculpture of the angel of grief by William Wetmore Story in the Protestant cemetery in Rome. (Photo prompt by Marcella Leff, administrator)

You may write a poem in any style or form ONLY on anticipatory grief* (see below). Post the poem only. Explanation about your poem is permissible. No other photos. Poems with photos will be deleted. You may post as many poems as you want but comments are counted per poem only.

Winner will be judged by the most original comments. One person can make many comments but only counts as one comment for winning at the end of the time limit. Your own comments do not count because you cannot judge your own poem.

Contest will be from April 7 until April 14, 9:30 pm. All members are invited to enter this contest. You can add your friends to join. Challenge them.

Administrators may post examples of poems but are not eligible to win. Administrators can like your poems but their comments do not count.

A new prompt will be posted every week. This is the third in the death and dying series for National Poetry Month for April.

The five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. These feelings are not sequential and can be alternating.

*Anticipatory grief can be about the dying person or the significant others’ experience. Sometimes anticipatory grief is harder because it is before the lost/death.



He lay there quiet

Not being able to move

His lungs moving up and down

Tears flowing from his eyes

He knew, I knew, his time was near

Had I said everything I wanted to say?

Were my efforts at comfort enough?

No longer able to speak his mind

I soon discovered we didn’t need words

We only needed to look into each others eyes

To know there was  a deep sibling love

Silence speaking loud and clear

Emotional hugs filling the air

Hearts reaching out one to  another

A love that will never be forgotten.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Happy Thanksgiving dear friends

I   don’t  know  where  the  time  went  today .  I   planned  on  writing  to  you  earlier. Now it’s  evening  and thoughts  are turning  to  preparations  of tomorrow’s  big turkey  day.

Tomorrow  I  will  be  spending  the  day  with  my  daughter  and my thoughts  will  be  also  with  my family  and  friends  back  in  Indiana. So many  things  change  in our lives as we get older. I say  a silent  prayer and thank  God  for  allowing  me  to  have spent  many  years  with  my parents  and  my brother.

Maybe I   will   take a quick  ride to heaven and sit with my family  at the  big  table. I   will  tell  them  how  much  I  love  them  and  miss  them, then  hurry  back to the  people  who  love  me here  on  earth.

So to each  of  you  no matter  where  you  are  I  wish  you  a  happy  Thanksgiving  Day. God bless you  and  your  family  and  enjoy  what  ever  you  are  doing  tomorrow.

What does the word Starting with C mean to you?

Christmas, the word, how does it make you feel when you first hear it? Does it make you anxious, thinking of the money you will spend on it? Does it remind you of Jesus’s birthday?

Family gatherings and lots of food? No matter what store I visit, I see trees decorated to the max. Christmas music can be heard from some stores. Bright lights, glittery reindeer, all sizes of Santas.

When I was a kid, I would get excited, like every other kid I suppose. Dreaming of what that one gift under the tree would bring that only Santa carried on his sleigh. Yes, we received a few more gifts but not many.

Christmas in our home wasn’t so much about how many gifts we received. It was the day Jesus was born. A day to go to Grandma’s house and see all of our cousins we hadn’t seen for so long. A day to eat and over eat, run inside, try our new pajamas on.

Christmas day was filled with so much pleasure. In those days I didn’t give a thought nor would I have understood what goes on for the mom’s in our lives. Stress, shopping, spending money, getting everything just right.

This year at Christmas for me, I probably won’t put a tree up. My daughter believes I should, maybe even a live one. Wow, I haven’t smelled a live pine tree inside my home for years.

I am so looking forward to spending the day with my kids and grandkids. I can’t help bring to the front, the thoughts of Al, and my parents. The grandparents that used to form such wonderful memories in my mind.

I wish over and over that some things in life didn’t have to change. There will be a large void in my life this year at Christmas. I am going to try real hard to make new memories without my life back home. I am going to count each day I awake as a new blessing I was given.

I am not going to be spending so much time in the stores shopping but instead treasure each word and each face on the day I go home to visit. I have only been gone a month, but you know me well enough to know I miss those grandkids back home and my other kids.

Mean while, I am going to lay my head back and take a ride of my new Christmas this year. No getting all psyched out and stressed over nothing that matters anyway. My kids, my family, that is what matters. Can I get an AMEN to this?





lights 1 2014

A Quick Day

Today was a quick day. I got up and changed sheets on my bed. I swept and mopped floors and did a couple of loads of laundry. I decided to take a break and get online but about the time I did my phone rang.

It was a call that I had been keeping my hopes up for and it came. This in turn took away my break and I had to get dressed and leave. I spent the better part of the next three hours getting tests done. I didn’t expect all the extras in my time frame so my sugars dropped.

Thankfully it was carry- in day at the office I was at so they gave me a nice piece of apple/nut cake. It sure was good. It brought my sugars back up and I was able to drive to home where food was waiting to be fixed.

Have you ever been married and then divorced and ended up being better friends apart? This is what happened to my ex and I.  I hadn’t seen him for about three years. He now lives less than two hours away. He let me know he was coming by if I wasn’t busy.

When he arrived he took me out to supper. We visited and talked about old days. He helped me with a couple of odd jobs here that I had been struggling with. I can actually say it was nicer visiting than being married to him.

He says he will stop by again soon, and I agreed to this. No, no plans, no way, no relationship other than friendship. It just wouldn’t work. I had to add that part because I know a few of you are thinking ahead, so I had to take care of those wandering thoughts.

Tomorrow morning at 11 is my appointment with Humana. Still keep those fingers crossed that all goes well. I think if I heard right my daughter is going to play hair stylist with me tomorrow sometime also.

Now it is quiet again. I enjoy my quiet time; but I sure do enjoy having friends and family visits too. It isn’t good for the soul to be too alone too often, or at least this is the way I feel.

One thing I found today here at home was the flag that Al Forbes bought for my brother. It brought a few tears but not too many. I rather remembered better thoughts about Al than the sad ones of sickness.

I still have my times where I can cry and cry, but someone once told me here in blogger world that as time moves by, the good memories will replace the tears. I can see this happening a little at a time.

Although I still don’t know anyone around here except my family, I don’t see the wheelchair, Hospice, and all the sickness in my new place. It is easier now to bury the suffering he and I went through.

I shared conversation with my ex about Al and I noticed I was chatting about all the good times and very little about the sad times. This is a good feeling to me. He and I had very many difficult moments where we butted heads. With the illness on top, life seemed almost unbearable, but now it seems worth living again.


Life is what we make it

It can be good or full of shit

Fog slows us down

Sadness drags us to the ground

But then the sun rays show

That forward we must go

Thinking becomes more clear

But the love I will always hold dear

I wouldn’t change a thing today

About Al and his MSA

We shared many good days

And I put to rest the dark rays

Now when I say my brother’s name

I don’t play so much the game

Of tears and sleeping away

I can see it is a bright new day.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd







Don’t leave me

Don’t go away

Stay by my side

Please don’t let me slide


I know you aren’t really here

I can’t see you anywhere

But I can still see our love

In my bed and right above


You left last week

You walked out on me

You said we were through

You wanted someone new


But I can’t let you go

I must feel you by my side

So I cling to memories

In my dreams, our love, you and me


You insisted on walking on

Take your clothes, take it all

But when you turned to leave

I stole our memories.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Endurance/ The Daily Post


Show us what endurance means to you. Is it that high-school diploma, beads of sweat earned on a long run, a treasured family heirloom, or something else entirely?

Memories will always be solid in my mind, burned forever in my thoughts of how we are born in innocence.

pink flowerfly 4moon3


baby Easton and Chloe

How Do I Get Through The Lonely Day

How Do I Get Through The Lonely Day

I thought my family was coming today so I made no other plans; but to my mistake I missed the phone call so I began to clean up the mess from painting. It is amazing how you are staying in one room painting. Rearranging furniture, wall photos and miscellaneous and yet the entire house becomes a disaster.

So with three rooms painted you can imagine what my home looks like now. Al would be upset…

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