We Just Have to Seek It

I wrote a post a day or two ago about how life changes, people change. We drift into relationships and out.  I was just telling a friend that I wish I could hold time in a bottle until I was ready to move forward, and then pop the lid off the top.

I never dreamed I would be in the place I am at this point of my life. I didn’t think I would need help with someone watching over me. I assumed me and family would remain close forever. I never thought about losing family to death before it actually began to happen.

I thought friends would be around until death separated us. This does not happen, and like Al Forbes said, it is not always something I have done wrong. Life just changes. Interests open new doors, children grow and move on with their lives. Grandchildren sometimes live near and far.

I certainly have changed. I didn’t mean too but I know that losing Al and my parents had a negative effect on me. There is always good though; we just have to seek it. Now that I am no longer working taking care of other people, I can concentrate on watching my grandchildren grow.

I have been able to get closer to at least one of my children. In fact, I surprised myself at how easily I confided in my son, and he understood and offered his advice. It was awesome to have that time with him and I hope for more.

I have the ability to chat and message or call my other son. He is a great man, with beautiful kids. He has a heart of gold. He seems to always hear my words. He doesn’t criticize me or offer support unless asked. He just loves me, nothing expected in return.

I have a daughter who I am proud of as far as her work career goes. She is pretty, smart, and aggressive in her stride to make her place in employment better. I am sure she will succeed in many more areas even after I am gone.

Of course I will always wish for things to be even better in life; but who doesn’t? We just have to accept what is today, realize that negativity is going to happen and remember to seek the good in every situation.





I Will Treasure Today, and Miss Yesterday

I saw a quote fly through my Facebook page yesterday. It hit me hard as I have lost a few good friends. One I had never met in person, but knew well from Facebook. The other I knew.

It tears at my heart when there is a loss in my life. A few years back, I lost my first good friend through Facebook. It made it a reality. instead of just a Facebook. I wept for some time over not being able to s speak to him anymore. He was an awesome guy, who lived in a wheelchair; but  his attitude about life, was better than most walking people’s were.

Then there was another time I had a male friend, Andre, from the Netherlands. He was awesome. His wife and him and I , had shared many phone conversations. Christmas and birthday gifts and cards were exchanged. It was one of the best relationships I thought I would ever experience; but I was wrong. There were more relationships to come. Andre passed away at the age of 86, and I still miss him today.

There is Viveka G. who is one of my dearest friends. A dream to meet her would be so awesome. Ute L. is another friend I have made who stuck by me through thick and thin throughout Al’s illness.  Marilyn G. and her husband came up to meet me and Al. It was the best visit. They are a wonderful, loving couple. These ladies are my blogger friends here at WordPress. Now these  ladies are alive and well, and they better stay that way, or else!! LOL

Another blogger friend I miss so bad is Sandra Callahan. Oh the times we spent talking and writing to each other. My heart still breaks. I lost her friendship last week. Yesterday, I lost another friend, whom I knew in person and here at Facebook. Ruth Bettinger Nichols. She passed away from cancer.

Who ever says you can’t make friends through the Facebook, have never truly been involved with this site. To, these friends, I will miss you. To those who I still chat with, I won’t let you go. I WILL TREASURE TODAY AND MISS YESTERDAY


I hope God enjoys your friendship as much as I did.




sandra callahan


facebook quote

God’s Love

God’s Love


God has chosen you

To receive his special gifts

He knew you would respect them

With all he wanted you to do.


Don’t let your heart be swollen

Don’t see yourself too high

Respect which what is given

Prevent life from being stolen.


Don’t take life for granted

Appreciate each breathing day

Make sure you give thanks to him

Don’t let your tongue taste acid.


I believe God knows our hearts

He knows when we go wrong

A gift can be revoked

Thus leaving us torn apart.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd




Sunday Photo Fiction; March !6th, 2014



ice waterVeins cold as ice

Heart made of steel

Nails withered and blue

Hair tousled and mussed

Blood thin as water

Skin tough and worn

These are the effects

Of a heart once alive

A soul now broken.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Sunday Photo Fiction; November 10,2013

Sunday Photo Fiction: November 10th 2013

The idea is to write a story – Flash Fiction – of around 100-200 words based on the photo below. GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA


Tears rolled down my eyes. I reached up and touched one of the sails. I had just picked this piece up from the renovator. I hadn’t seen it in almost two weeks. Every day as I was growing up I saw this. Every time I went to visit Pop mention was made of the craftsmanship and love that went into making this beautiful ship.

My tears aren’t just for sadness, they are also for joy.  Mom had passed on years back. Pop was never the same since she was gone. He lost his vigor and he slept much more. This particular time his sleeping and smoking just didn’t mix.

He had fallen asleep in his easy chair and the hot ashes fell onto his clothing. A small red amber took off burning him and the house.

Now, today, it is just me, standing at my mantle, touching the only thing that wasn’t damaged. A piece of my heart I place inside this ship and I will continue to love it each day as much as Pop did.