5 Photos, 5 Stories, 5 Days Photo Challenge, Day 2


This is the second day of the 5 photos, 5 stories, 5 days photo challenge. Vivi gave me this challenge. It consists of; “The challenge is to just “post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge”


I also want to pass this to another blogging friend, so they may have some extra fun in their blogging world. I would like to pass it to; babyjill7…Marilyn Griffin



Smiling, I remember

Bare footed

Hot days

Summer boredom

Mom would notice

Outside she would go

Hooking up the hose

Sprinkler in hand

Squeals of delight

As I ran through

The rainbow

Of water droplets

Mom standing near

Clapping her hands

As the two of us

Looked at each other

There were matching smiles

All on a hot summer day.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


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