Daily Prompt; Imitation/ Flattery

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/10/14/daily-prompt-homage/#like-41737, DP, Daily Prompt

Write a post in the style of (or simply inspired by) a favorite author.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us HOMAGE.


I Am Blind But I Can See

I can not see

I never could

But I can sense

And this is good

For I can see

Right through your soul

I can sense your joy

I can feel your woe

For I don’t need eyes

To see the view

I can feel your heart

Which is the real you.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Helen Keller


Daily Prompt; The Normal

two hearts beat as one

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Is being “normal” — whatever that means to you — a good thing, or a bad thing? Neither?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us EVERYDAY.

This prompt rubs my panties the wrong way. I hate the word normal. What is it anyways?



conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
This is a standard definition but I believe normal is in the eyes of the believer, the one living life
For I see you
And you see me
We are different
Colors but have
The same two
Eyes, one nose
And one mouth
Two ears
Yes I am taller
And you are shorter
I have two legs
But you only have one
I see you smile at me
And I smile back at you
Yes we are normal
Normal for you and me
In the life we live each day.
Written by
Terry Shepherd