Daily Prompt; Mix Tape/ The Daily Post

I Want to Hold Your Hand

Put together a musical playlist of songs that describe your life, including what you hope your future entails.

Kindergarten; Me and little Timmy sitting inside the big plastic doll house together.

Beatles, I want to hold your hand/http://youtu.be/iim6s8Ea_bE

Ten years old, and my half-sister was born.

You don’t love me anymore, Eddie Rabbit/http://youtu.be/8qDCydGZXWE

Thirteen years old and I was having my first serious crush.

I think I love you,  Partridge Family/http://youtu.be/wJYSu2OVCGM

Eighteen years old, I was proposed to.

I think I want to marry you, Glee; Marry You/http://youtu.be/6m0m2K3Pu5I

My first child, a beautiful baby girl, 21 inches long, 8 pounds 13 ounces.

My little girl, Tim McGraw/http://youtu.be/9I5UV4VWCSk

In my thirties I wanted a divorce.

DIVORCE, Tammy Wynette/http://youtu.be/i2o9-jmtNoU

In my forties, my mother passed away.

Mama, Spicegirls/http://youtu.be/cW493uXzUP4

In my fifties my daddy died.

Daddy I miss you, Heaven 911/http://youtu.be/cW493uXzUP4

In my fifties, I started taking care of my brother.

He Ain’t heavy, he’s my brother, Neil Diamond/http://youtu.be/usZtSl8mX08

Today, I am rediscovering myself and I am a writer of short stories.

Finding my way back, Lee Ann Womack/http://youtu.be/TJKJ39OZr8w

Thank-you for sharing my life with me.