Do You Ever Feel Stale?

Hello everyone. I haven’t been on here much this week. Unfortunately the house I rented is not what it is claimed. When it got as cold as it did, even down here in Kentucky, I stayed at my daughter’s house.

I so appreciate my family. They say it is no problem, but another face equals more space taken. I returned home today. I didn’t do too much. I really hate the quiet, even the TV noise can’t make up the difference between laughter and real chatter.

Tonight, I made some Chocolate Chip cookie bars. I just took them out of the oven. It not only smells good in here, the heat from the oven helped warm it up in the house. I doubt if I remain here any longer than I have to. I am on the lookout for a different place.

I just am stale. Have you ever considered yourself stale? I didn’t tonight. All afternoon and early evening I thought about what I could write about, and nothing jumped out at me.

It is a new year and I told God I expect new things to happen. I think I need to ask him to refresh my thinking also. I am going to call a couple of places on Monday about a job. Hopefully, someone out here will appreciate my maturity and experience and want to hire me.

I hate it that I feel so blah. I don’t even blame it on losing my brother any longer. I blame it on my own attitude. The lack of thinking some business will look at me in a position of wanting to hire me is down; and when I feel and think that, it probably shows.

My website that I talked to you about last week dealing with MSA is still doing pretty good. I need more out of it though. I want more than the click of a LIKE button. I want some action. Yes, action is what I need in my life. This crap of Monday feeling like Wednesday and turning into Sunday is getting way too old.

I think a little of it is also the fact I am not with  my family now. It is a wonderful feeling to feel loved and accepted. To eat a meal with those who make you happy and to share a movie with others, well it is just about the best feeling ever. I could scream my lungs out right now and no one would hear me.

I just need a change, a change that will make my eyes come alive again, so once again, tonight, I will pray for good things for my 2015.
