Are You Looking At Me?

Miami, Florida (1947) ... Facebook Overexposur...

Today I woke up tired and stayed that way the rest of the day. I had to go have my brother and my taxes done first thing this morning. After getting through that without any major scare issues I had a doctor’s appointment. It was my check-up from  lab work.


The doc explained about the Potassium and what he think happened and how potassium works once the blood hits the bottle. All in all, I was quite pleased. I lost three pounds. My levels were all good except the blood sugars, but they were lower than last time, so he ended up saying,” You’re doing a good job”. That just made me feel good but I was too tired to almost smile, but I was smiling on the inside.


I noticed when I left the doctor’s office that my front passenger tire was low. Oh not again. Darn it. This is the second time I have put air in that tire. I have good tread left on all my tires. No one has found any nails etc, so what was going on?


I stopped and had more air put in by the nice gas attendant then headed off to the tire store. They checked out the tire and found the stem was leaking so to change stems and replace air it cost me $12.50.


While I was sitting in the waiting area there was an elderly gentleman sitting. He was maybe ten years or so older than me.  I had been talking to the sales guys since I knew them and this older customer made some comment to what we were talking about.


Then this guy motions for me to come over and sit by him, so I do. I thought chit-chat, something to do to pass the time. He says,” Do you work?”


I say, “No I am disabled.”


“Do you live alone?”


“No, my brother lives with me.” I know I lied but hey, I didn’t know this guy from Adam.


“Do you ever get lonely? Do you like dining out alone? Do you ever wish you had someone to go to McDonalds with?”


I thought, What is this 20 questions? Am I on Candid Camera? Are you hitting on me? Sorry friends, it’s been so long since I have been hit on, I didn’t know.


He said my last name is blah blah blah. In the phone book I am the first one listed under that name. Call me if you want to go out. I’m your guy.  I didn’t say anything. He just wasn’t my cup of tea. In between his questions he was letting me know that he goes to bars. He has been stopped by the police for drunk driving. He has lost his license due to drinking in the past but he has it back.


He had lost his wife to cancer a year and three months ago. Suddenly my heart felt compassion for him as I knew he was a lonely man. But for me I couldn’t go out with him. I don’t want to date anyone who drinks and even gets arrested for drunk driving. I thanked him and stood up and used the ladies room.


When I got out my car was done. After I paid the bill the older guy was holding the door  open for me and I told him thanks. When I got in the car I smiled to myself and said, hey girl you still got it at 58, or if he was just so lonely he was desperate, thanks for picking me. It boosted my morale.